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The seaside tide were fairly calm today, swaying at the benefit of the fishermen by dock. Bruno ran a hand through his short black hair, moving aside any bangs that were in the way of the view. He's been helping his father again, he's always helping his father, gathering a net full of fish and putting them in baskets.  It was a way to keep him and his father financially stable. Once the fish were gathered, they would sell them to the market.

There were quite alot of baskets today, meaning that he'd be able to have enough money to buy atleast one thing that he wanted but didn't exactly need. Yesterday he saw a suit that he liked, the one with the black pinned pattern and the gold zippers, he looked foward for today's paycheck.

Bruno stood at his market booth, selling fish to customers. The town liked Bruno, he was fairly popular among the people and it was no doubt why they liked him. He was kind and caring, a person with similar characteristics of a maternal mother.

A frail child stood near his booth, eyes lingering among the many different fish laying around the baskets. He took one glance at Bruno, who which hasn't noticed the him yet, before shifting his sight back to the fish. The frail boy snatches one of the fishes as Bruno wasn't looking, but failed to realize that the old ladies standing near the booth caught him doing the action.

"Thief!" One of the elderly women say, "That boy stole Buccellati's fishes!!"

Conveniently, there was a policeman close to where the booth was and he quickly rushed to catch the boy. Of course he was way faster and stronger, so the policeman caught up to the kid quite easily, though he did have a bit of trouble. The policeman took both the boy and stolen fish back to Bruno where he made the boy apologize and return what he'd stolen.

Sneers and glares jabbed the policeman's back. Despite getting the job done, many still criticise the policeman, blaming him for "nearly letting the boy get away with it".

A sigh could be heard from the policeman, this was an ordinary day on the job. The police were heavily hated upon in this part of the town. As the policeman was about to leave, Bruno stops him, he did something unexpected that he wished would've happened more.

"Thank you!" The raven haired beamed. Bruno gave him a wide smile, one with dimples and could melt the policeman's heart in an instant.

The policeman averted his eyes, a red hue forming on what used to be pale cheeks. He pulled down his police hat, covering up half of his flustered face. "It's.. no problem, I'm just doing my job. Plus, I nearly let him get away."

If that stupid boy, his name was something like Guido Mista, was here, he would tease him for finally gaining a heart and falling in love. But that wasn't the case wasn't it? He just wasn't used to taking complements. Even if he was starting to think that the fisherman was attractive, that automatically doesn't mean love, right?

The stupid boy told him about something like this before, he's seen it all in movies and he's never believed it to be real. Love at first sight is what they'd call it, and if it wasn't for his denial, the policeman would've definately believe in it at this moment.

When he felt the other man's blue eyes peer upon him, he felt a weird sensation in his stomach, like there were butterflies inside.

Bruno laughed at the policeman's embarassment, finding it awfully cute. "But you didn't let him get away did you? People should credit you more for your work. You don't seem like the rest of the cops here, they only think about what benefits them."


Perhaps the concept of love at first sight truly did exist in this world. After what felt like years, the police man found himself smiling again, his colored lips pursed into a much more happy look.

"Can I ask something? If you don't mind of course." Bruno questions, the policeman replied with a nod. "May I ask for your name?"

"Leone, Leone Abbacchio." He responds in a brief manner

"Well, I'd hope to see you again Mr. Abbacchio."

Leone could see the genuineness in the man's eyes, giving him a feeling that he hadn't experienced before, until now. He's looking forward to the future, wondering where life would take him and when he'll meet the ravenette again.


In a dingy alleyway in the dark layed Leone, drunk and a mess. If he hadn't fell for that goddamn bribe a month ago his partner wouldn't have fallen dead in his own arms and he wouldn't have lost his job to it. Life sucks, Leone learnt that probably the moment he was born, and he believed that it could only go worse from now on. No miracles, no nothing. No guardian angel to guide him out of the life of misery he lived everyday.

He stumbles and trips on a few things, eventually making his way to the same place where his partner had died. It was raining and his white bleached hair was soaked, covered in small droplets of rain. Leone swigs another round of alcohol before leaving the place with shards of the same alcohol bottle he used to drink few seconds earlier. He let the rain consume him, only his negativity remained out of this ordeal.

If miracles were to happen it would look like a familar man under a white umbrella with a black pin pattern. Short black hair and those same caring blue eyes that he hasn't seen in what seemed to be years.

"Leone Abbacchio, right?" The man under the umbrella spoke.

Leone scoffed with clear malice in his tone, "Yeah, and what do you want?"

"I'd like you to join me."

Leone doesn't know what has gotten into himself. He'd only seen this man about once in his life, barely knows anything about him. But he'd follow him to the ends of the world. Those kind words that this stranger told him years ago still stuck to him. Just maybe, maybe, he was the guiding light he longed for all his life, serving him would only thing that could give his life purpose. Leone felt some sort of ease around the guy, a peaceful aura he never experienced before. He liked that. He took a step forward and the rain stopped, leaving him to decide what's next to his future.

I met you by the seaside of June (BruAbba)Where stories live. Discover now