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Giorno Giovanna, that brat. Leone wished for the day where he'd would shut up about his dream. He reminded him of himself, a foolish boy chasing after something that he believed could be achieved, only to find himself played by his expectations and the harshness of reality. And as much as he'd like to admit that he hated the boy, deep down inside he's shown a sense of care towards him. He didn't want him to end up the same way he did.Leone was dragged by his past, endlessly trapped In his own guilt for the fate of his partner. If it wasn't for Buccellati (Oh dear God bless that man)  he wouldn't have found a reason to live. He wondered to himself why Buccellati had done this. The man had a whole group of misfit teenager that all look up to him, they were like a family. Leone admired that about Bruno, he admires alot of other things too.

Leone loved Bruno, and it shows. Out of anyone in their little camaraderie, he respected him the most, treating him with a special type of kindness that the others weren't privillaged enough to get. Just over two years ago the boy who stole Buccellati's fish that time he'd met him was brought in by Fugo, and not less than a year the other boy with the weird Clint Eastwood obsession, the one who would've teased him for finally gaining a heart, joined as well. It was almost like fate, perhaps they've crossed paths for a reason. Leone's grown so close with the three boys too, treating them like his own stupid  sons. But there was something off about the Giovanna kid.  He seemed way to professional to be a teenager, he was cunning to say the least and it just rubbed him the wrong way.

They've been tasked with the mission of protecting the boss's daughter. She was a distant kid, barely making starting conversations with any of the members, this didn't really matter to Leone. He thought it was an advantage to the mission, the less she talks the faster they could get this mission over with.  It wasn't as simple as Leone expected it to be. Bruno came back with Trish, they found him inside the Church of San Giorgio Maggiore; Giorno was the first to find him, and for what seemed like the first time, Leone saw a flash of worry in his normally composed face. Something horrible happened to Bruno, his gut would tell him. He didn't like the thought, he'd rather not imagine the worst possible scenerio when it came to Bruno. Leone didn't want to lose him.

That day he had a choice of betraying the boss. Either becoming a traitor in the eyes of a very dangerous man, deannouncing his loyalty to the orders of Passione, standing against the only thing he thought put him at ease; or to stay put, leave his group members behind to their own choices, continuing to be nothing but a mere pawn to his organization. He began to realize that it wasn't passione that gave him a sense of calm, it wasn't the feeling of finishing a task to make up for the one giant fuck up that he made years ago that brought him satisfaction. It was staying by Buccellati's side. A lingering feeling he hadn't grown to accept, he felt it the first time he met him, he felt it again when he was found drunk in an alleyway. It was Bruno that made him happy, not the approval of the higher ups, not the missions he's completed. Those blue eyes made him feel important, even if he didn't do anything significant. He cared for him, he didn't care about his past, he felt like an actual person. Something Leone wanted from his days of being a policeman would be recognition, he tried his best, there were even days where he nearly pass out from exhaustion. He wasn't the best cop but he was far better than alot of them. Did anybody thought about him that way? No, he was degraded to be the same like the rest of those corrupt officers.

"The only time I'm ever at ease, is when I'm with you, Buccellati."

He let out a smile before stepping onto the boat. This was basically suicide, he'd knew one way or another he's going to get killed by the boss or any of his lackeys. But even if he only lasted a second out there, he wanted to by Bruno's side. So even if he died, he would've been satisfied knowing that the last few days of his life was spent with the person he held dearly the most.


"Do you remember the time we met, Buccellati?" Leone asks as he stares off into the darkened  space of Mr. President. The other two inside were sound asleep, Giorno and Mista were outside surveiling from the car they'd stolen.

Bruno looks at him with a kind smile. "Of course, I don't think I would ever forget.'

"I don't know what I would've done without you. I've been such a shitty person during that point of my life and there was just something about you that made me want to change for the better."

"Is that so?"

"Buccellati, can I ask you a question?" Bruno nods and he continues on with what he felt to be rambles of a silly man. "What really happened in San Giorgio Maggiore?"

He let out a laugh. "I found out that our former boss was a total piece of shit  father. That day I knew I had to take him down, he's only a burden to society."

"No.. I mean, you fought him right?"

Bruno stayed quiet for a while, taking his time before finally answering his question. "Yes."

Another brief pause of silence filled the room. Leone became pale, the words that came out of his mouth were shaky and forced. "Are...Are you dead, Buccellati?"

This time he really didn't answer him, the atmosphere becoming more tense by the second. He figured it'd be best not to press him about it, it was a topic he'd rather be left alone. He thought of something else he would've rather talked about.

"If we were to have another life, I would've liked to spend it with you. The day I met you in the market, I didn't expect that you'd thank me. I don't think I told you this but it meant a lot to me."

"Leone," he was a bit shocked that he'd used his first name, "You mean alot to me."

And then he found himself smiling again.

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