First Day

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(All Might is not in the harem, I see nothing wrong with having a strong important female character, so she'll act more like a mom.)

Izuku just got back from his date, after seeing Katsumi devour six hamburgers and a twenty pack of chicken nuggets. How can she eat that much and have that body, maybe it all flows straight to her assets? No matter how hard he tried, no conclusion he could think of explained this odd scenario. Izuku just dropped the topic and saw a note and letter, the note said, 'Hi Izuku, I had to leave early today, but here is your mail from UA. Hopefully you got in.' It pained Izuku to see his mom work so hard, only to get a small amount of money used to immediately pay bills. Izuku did have a new secret, he started a music channel with his vocal manipulation and sings, he really didn't expect it to blow up, but he was easily making 10,000 yen. This did come at a cost though, and that was his massive fan base of obsessive female fans, if he hadn't have worn a mask he'd be chased all over Japan. He uploaded a song a week ago and it made enough money to pay everything necessary. In secret of course, if he even attempted to do that in front of his mom she'd tell him to save. Izuku sighed and went to his room to open the mail. All Might popped out and shouted, "Hello, young Midoriya! You passed the entrance exams with flying colors, it is with great pleasure, that I welcome you, to your hero academy." Izuku expected to get in, but it didn't make the moment any less inspiring and happy. He couldn't contain himself and cried, he got into his dream school, his mom could start living easier, he could have a new life at UA. He couldn't contain his happiness and got his mask out before putting it on and turning his camera on.

A few hours later, almost all the teenagers in Japan got a notification on their phones. The teens immediately stopped what they were doing and plugged in earphones, or used Bluetooth. His male fans were just vibing, but his female fans were listening to the voice, trying to learn the exact sound so that they could know who he is. Obsessive girls are terrifying, trying to find out who he was, if anyone found out he'd be dead. Smothered in the bodies of his fans, crushed under one's thighs. Izuku shivered at that thought, as much as it may seem like a good way to go, he still wanted to be a hero. And Katsumi would murder him as a ghost for dying that way. After his song was posted he heard a knock, obviously terrified he opened the door to find, no one? As Izuku shut the door he saw a dual haired girl sitting on his couch.

Izuku had the appropriate reaction and shouted, "Why are you in my house!" The girl had red and white hair, and a burn scar on her eye. The girl put her hand in a waving motion before saying, "Pleasure meeting you as well, I'm Shoko Todoroki, Endeavwhore's daughter. I simply just walked in after knocking seeing as the door wasn't looked." Izuku debated calling the cops or maybe All Might, but decided to try and defuse the situation before she got towed of to jail, "You do realize it's not proper to break into someone's home, what would you have done if I used my quirk on you for defense?" The girl rolled her eyes as she walked towards Izuku, "Listen, it's not like I don't know, but you wouldn't have let me in otherwise due to your fear of that awful blonde bitch." Izuku had heard enough, "Listen peppermint, you don't talk bad about my Kachan! She's great once you get to know her, maybe the same can be said about you, cause right know you're not coming off as a person I'd talk to." Shoko recoiled and realized something, he and that girl are together. She smirked a small bit and walked closer, "You know, there's a reason I even showed up here." Izuku took a minute to process her previous statements. She was the child of the number two hero, and wanted to talk to him for some reason. He was unsure if he should be scared or intrigued. The Todoroki girl smirked more and spoke in a triumphant tone, "I know you have a girlfriend, but that doesn't matter now. Cause soon you'll have a wife!" Izuku nearly passed out but then got serious, "What do you mean by that?"

Shoko used ice and froze his body, leaving his head exposed. Hybrid used his extra strength to break the ice and then retracted into Izuku's body. The girl looked like she was in heaven, "Hey, I'll ask again, what do you mean!" Shoko laughed with her hand over her mouth and said, "I'm the daughter of the number two hero, his perfect creation. That means I know how to exploit the prick in my favor. I, Shoko Todoroki, will be your wife one week from today. Cause that's when the papers are signed, and a marriage will take place." Izuku stared the girl in the eyes, "How did you legally do this, even the number two hero knows that you have to have both party's permission." Shoko snickered as she presented a piece of paper, obviously a copy as no one would be stupid enough to show the real thing. On the paper it had a date of roughly ten months ago, when Izuku was technically still labeled as quirkless, "You see, you being a late bloomer and not documenting your quirk right away led to a loophole. The quirkless can be married without both party's recognizing, and since I had this created while you were still labeled quirkless but in possession of a quirk, it falls perfectly in line. Though I have to let you know now that your quirk is documented, so basically, we're engaged. Your bitch of a girlfriend can buzz off, because you're legally mine." Izuku lost control of himself and shouted, "Fuck you!" Shoko smirked and pushed Izuku against the wall, "I like that idea." Izuku did the only thing he could think of at that moment and pulled his phone out of his pocket. As he opened his contacts she took the phone, he was able to press someone's name, but he didn't know who! Izuku shouted, "Help, cra-" Before Shoko covered his mouth and said, "No one can hear you, let's continue with your idea." Hybrid surrounded Izuku and pushed her away, giving him some much needed breathing room. He obviously didn't call Bakugo or she'd have been there already, so who was it he called. As he looked at his phone he saw that he called Uraraka, he knew she lived somewhat far away, so he'd need to stall as long as possible to get the team advantage. As he was about to turn around he felt a tingling situation, and Hybrid pulled Izuku away from an ice attack. Izuku used his webbing to try tying her up, yet that only ended up making the house messier. This was one situation where it's bad to have the home field advantage. Izuku was slapping himself for not immediately calling All Might once he learned her name. Shoko, on the other hand, was launching towards Izuku to attempt something unknown. As Izuku kept maneuvering around to avoid the psychotic candy cane, he suddenly watched an explosion cover her. Izuku knew what that meant and ran to the door where he saw Uraraka and Bakugo ready to kill. As they looked towards the smoke Hybrid shut off Izuku's vision and forced him to turn around, 'The hell dude!' The slime replied with, 'You'll Thank me soon.' Izuku heard the girls gasp and one he recognized as Shoko, yet it sounded, different. Like a dead inside husk if a person, strange. As he sat in wait he heard Shoko say, "Where am I, last thing I remember is my father asking me to help with chores."

Izuku had know idea what was going on, and had a feeling he didn't want to know. The conversation basically turned into what she was even doing where she was, she didn't even know Izuku's name, something was wrong, either with her, or Endeavor.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2021 ⏰

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