chapter 5

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(Meiko's POV)

I have to quickly make a plan to get rid of Len from Kaito.

As much as possible I don't want to kill him but if I have to kill him then I will do it.

It's wrong for him to take Kaito from me. Unforgivable!

I went out of my room to the kitchen and saw Kaito come home holding Len's hand.

'That child can seduce Kaito by dressing like a woman,' I thought irritably.

Suddenly I thought of someone who might be able to help me with my plan for this one.

He might refuse if I don't pay back then I have to give him something that will make him happy.

'Hehehe, that's right i have to only need to duplicate Miku's room door lock and give the duplicate to him' a grin adorned my face then I walked out of the mansion.


Badump Suddenly my feeling was bad and I thought of Rin.

"Kaito I have to go back to my room," I said softly.

"Why?" Kaito asked, loosening his arms.

"Er ... I ... because... it's late so I have to go back to my room to... sleep ... yeah to sleep" I replied while putting on a smile that might look very forced.

Kaito sighed softly. "Of course, Len, you may go ba—"

"Thank you Kaito, see you tomorrow morning!" I immediately went outside before Kaito had thoughts and ran to my room.

"Sob ... sob ...." I can hear sobs from the bed.

"What's wrong Rin? Are you ... crying?" I asked carefully.

Rin raised her head slowly then turned to me, tears streaming down her cheeks. I gently wiped her tears and hugged Rin's light body.

"I-I fought with L-Luka ..." Rin answered, her voice soft and hoarse.

"She hurt you?" Rin shook her head weakly. "S-he doesn't and will never hurt me ..."

"Then why are you crying?" I asked after taking a deep breath.

"M-maybe I was the one who hurt her !! I-I-I'm mad because of something trivial then she calmed me b-but instead I m-made her angry t-to me ... m-maybe she hates me now !!" Rin's tears broke out, his voice now blaring throughout this room. Making my ears hurt hearing so did my heart.

"No, she will not hate you, you know for yourself how much Luka loves you. You must not say that" I stroked the top of her head full of feeling.

"You should go apologize to her and not cry uncontrollably like this"

"Y-you're right, Len," Rin said after the crying died down. "I shouldn't have cried I should have apologized to Luka"

I nodded in agreement. "Now what do you say to apologize?"

A / N: I'm sorry if this story is so short because suddenly my head is hurting so much, I need to rest !!

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