Chapter 1

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(A/N: The drawing above is the uniform for the café, please excuse my poor drawing skills!)



The obnoxious screeching of your alarm clock woke you up. It was time for another day at school. You rose slowly from your crisp, clean, warm bedsheets and unceremoniously flopped out of the clutches of your duvet. You groaned lightly, reaching up groggily to shut that damn alarm up, missing the button a couple times before silencing it. You stood up wearily and trudged over to your closet, pulling the assets of your plum colored uniform from it's plastic hanger. You pulled off your soft, peach colored satin pajamas and put on the ugly uniform, slipped on your stockings and stumbled down the stairs wearily.

You rubbed your eyes, seeing your younger sister of two years Cadence already slathering butter onto two slices of toast. She pivoted and looked at how sleepy you were.

"Morning, (Y/N)!" She grinned, holding out a piece of toast.

You smiled back and chuckled, taking the piece of warm toast into your chilly hands, crunching into a corner of it.

"Mornin'," you replied between bites.

"How'd you sleep?" She asked, shoving her entire piece of toast into her mouth and eating it like the heathen she is.

"It was eh.. you know you can chew, right butthead?" You teased, calling her by her now well-suited nickname.

She swallowed her toast and stuck her tongue out at you, calling you a big meanie. You laughed, heading off to the bathroom to brush your hair and teeth after finishing the rest of your toast.

You finish up, head to the door down the hall and pound on it obnoxiously, waking up your older brother Velv. He groaned tiredly, yelling a profanity at you waking him up from his much-needed slumber.

"Right back at you, now get up and get dressed. We have school soon, and I don't want Cadence to be late," you said loudly through the door. He grunted in response, and you heard him get up. You sighed, walking over to the front door to grab your shoes and put them on. Cadence soon walked over and did the same. You both perked up at the sound of Velv's poster-covered door creaking open. He sighs as he walks out, in uniform. He reluctantly slinks over and slips on his shoes as well.

You grab everybody's bento boxes from the counter, handing them to their respective owners. You grab your backpack (with your work clothes inside them) and head out the door, running a bit behind schedule, but having enough time to get to class on time.

You walk along with Velv, Cadence struggling to keep up due to her shorter legs. As you head closer to school, the screams and giggles of fangirls overtake your ears.


You flinch in instinct, then look to where the source of that deep, loud voice came from, still walking towards the source.

And boy, there he was.

His chiseled face, defined muscles, and just his overall presence was intimidating, yet.... attractive. It was no question as to why he had so many helpless school girls clamored around him. They all soon argued over which girl he yelled at. As you walked past them, you stared at his face absentmindedly.

His eyes, they were.. stunning. An unwavering shade of turquoise so vibrant it looked as if they were glowing.

What you didn't notice right away, however, was him staring right back at you. You soon noticed his eyes piercing through you, and you quickly looked away, walking into the school entrance. You cowered a bit, face reddened, in order to hide your flusteredness however Velv was quick to tease you about what had just occurred.

"Yare yare daze.." you heard the boy mutter as you walked past, his eyes still focused on you.

Thank you so much for reading the first chapter of my story! I'll be continuing it tomorrow possibly, I hope you enjoyed a quick sample of my poor writing skills. ( -w- )

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