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Hi! My name is Faye Monroe Adler and I live a kind of super hero life. I'm not talking about the kind where I have superpowers and what not, but the kind that means I live a double life. By day I am Faye Adler the first daughter but second child of Benjamin John Adler and Marie Grace Adler, yes you read that right Benjamin John Adler business tycoon and CEO of the multi million dollar company that makes and sells cars and Marie Grace Adler fashion mogul and ex super model.

I guess you can say as Faye Adler I am living my best life, in school people know me as the head cheer leader whose parents are immensely rich, spends every single holiday in one exotic country or the other,  is rumoured to be dating the captain of the football, basketball and baseball team all at the same time and whose best friend's mum is the vice principal of the school and other best friend's dad owns Juicers the best night club in town.

In case you were wondering, yes I am that stereotypical Queen Bee. The one everyone can't stand but envies so much. I am that girl that makes you feel inferior just by being in my presence.
I have the stereotypical sarcastic smile, pin straight strawberry blonde hair, the bright blue eyes, designer clothes, do anything for me best friends, and the "I can mess up your whole life" glare to go with it. I am a little bit of every single mean girl in history, trust me it's like I walked straight out of a movie.
If there was mean girls magazine I would be on the cover of it and everyone would look at it and say, "yup she's a mean girl alright".

What I am trying to say is I am the typical IT girl, the girl who teased you in elementary school because your pig tails looked dumb, the girl in 6th grade who made fun of your braces and the girl in freshman year who never had a trace of acne on her face and never had to suffer through those awkward puberty years. And I absolutely hate it!! 

Not the puberty thing, I dodged a bullet there.
But I hate this life the perfect life of Faye Adler with her mean girl status and her supposed best friends who I know are waiting for me to make the slightest mistake so they can push me to the curb so they can be the new Queen Bee.
Anyways back to my other life when I am not in school being being Faye Adler, I remove my blue contacts, allow my hair to return to its curly form, put on a pair of baggy sweats, put my hair in a messy bun , order a pizza and read old Harry Potter books. I do not care how many times I have read each book, I can never get enough of it.

I wake up to go jogging at 7am in the morning, then I stop by the convenience store and buy a handful of Reese's peanut butter cups because you can never just have one. Ladies and Gentlemen this is the life of Monroe Adler.

The life of Monroe Adler is pretty simple, she and her best friend Bianca Summers have been best friends ever since they were eleven and Bianca moved here from Scotland to the house five doors down from Monroe's house.
The Adlers invited the Summers over for dinner and the first thing an eleven year old Bianca said to Monroe was "you talk funny" having being born and living her whole life in Scotland Bianca had no idea that anybody could talk without the Scottish accent she was used to, but in her defense Monroe did not talk like a regular American girl.

Her mother Marie was from France and she spoke French fluently, Monroe had actually just come back from France where she had been schooling for the past five years, Marie had insisted that at least one of her children had the opportunity to be brought up the same way she was in France and at the time Monroe was the only one who showed interest in learning the French Language.

Since Monroe had been born in America and was already talking when she moved to France with her mother, not to mention all the summers and breaks she spent in America. Her accents was kind of mixed, Bianca was right when she said Monroe talked funny. But this boldness did not make Monroe like the other little girl any less, in fact it made her like her even more, at that moment the two girls became instant friends and were inseparable even though they went to different High Schools now.

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