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𝚎𝚍𝚒𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝟺/𝟹/𝟸𝟶𝟸𝟷

𝚎𝚍𝚒𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝟺/𝟹/𝟸𝟶𝟸𝟷

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{your pov}

"y/n wake up" atsumu said
" bitch its five in the moring why the fuck are you waking me up?''
"do you not have vollyball pratice"
" i dont even know if i made the team yet for all i know i could have not made it
" the list is being posted when the morning pratice is so just get your ass up and get ready so we can leave"
"ok ok i getting up. not get OUT"
once my brother left you went and grabed your uniform and headed to the bathroom to take a shower. once i got out i checked my phone to see that i got a measage from bf/n

and with that i grabed my sports bag and put in new cloths ,my vollyball shoes ,knee pads, water bottle, and a hoodie then i headed down stairs

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and with that i grabed my sports bag and put in new cloths ,my vollyball shoes ,knee pads, water bottle, and a hoodie then i headed down stairs.

"holy shit bro what took you so damn long"

" sorry mate. anyway you wanna clift bar?"

"yeah yeah just hurry and get it so we can leave"

"shesh'' i said as i went into the kitchen to grab two clift bars then me and bf/n left along with atsumu and osamu right behind us
"you know that you shoud eat an acual meal insted of those bars"

" its not like i only eat these pluse you guys are the ones that rushed me"

" ok but make sure you start eating acual meals because you going to need the energy the girls pratices are no joke"

" so they realy are as bad as they say huh" bf/n said

" i guess so. but we dont even know if we made the team yet"

"oi stop doubting us you know we are going to be an unstopable duo and anyway its not bad to be confedent in you skills somtimes because we are really good and you know this"

"mhm don't let it get to your head"

"mhm ofcorce im right''

"right...keep thinking that"

"hey y/n the list is up''

Inarizaki high girls volleyball team

1. Kamiya Aoi
2. Kaya Chiasa
3. Miya y/n
4. bfl/n bf/n
5. Chino Tomiko
6. Hamasaki Aria
7. Hattori Tsunade
8. Adachi Kurenai
9. Furkawa Yuki
10. Takade Yayoi
11. Tetsuya Utano
12. Tomo Wakumi
13. Asano Yushi

thank you to all the girls that tryed out but unforntunetly we ant take all of you. Congradulations to all the girls that made the team and i look forward to working with you.
- your captain and vice captain

"i mean kinda a no brainer did u see all those trash ass players that looked like they haven't touched a volleyball in their life. they probably were just trying to get closer to your idiot brothers"

when me in bf/n walked in every one was there and already changed

"look who finaly dicided to show up" Kamiya- senpai said
" sorry for being late captian" i said
" yep sorry senpai" bf/n said
" yeah yeah its fine only because its the first day. now go get changed"

when me and bf/n came out of the chang rooms we joinned the rest of the team, a girl with silver hair that went to around mid chest and paired with hazel eyes that would glow in the sun along with a girl with black hair that went down to mid back with dark green eyes came up to us. "hello my name is chino tomiko first year"
"hi i'm y/n miya"
" bf/n bfl/n and we are also first years" then all the other members of the team came up"
"ohayo i'm hamasaki aria"
" yo the names hattori tsunade nice to meet ya"
"adachi kurenai but you can just call me kurenai"
"furkawa yuki"
"hey i'm takade yayoi"
"tetsuya utano looking forward to working with ya"
"tomo wakumi the pleasure to meet ya" and last but not least
"yo! i'm asano yushi"
"i'm y/n Miya but please just call me y/n"
"and i'm bf/n bfl/n i'm cool with both so feel free to call me by my first name"
"ok everyone let's start warmups" the vice captain said

" hey y/n , bf/n do you wanna eat lunch with us?" chino~ san said along with Hamasaki~ san
"yeah sure chino~san" i said
"oiiii call me tomiko just tomiko"
"yup and you better call me aria"
"okok" me and bf/n said
so then me bf/n tomiko and aria went to the roof to eat lunch
" soo what positions to you guys play?" Aria asked
"oh i play opposite hitter" i said
"outside hitter" Tomiko said
" and i play setter. what about you?" bf/n said
" isn't it obvious?" i asked
"no" bf/n said while pouting
"middle blocker right?" Tomiko asked
" hey how was i supposed to know everyone on our team is tall and if i'm correct your standing at the shortest at 5'8" bf/n asked
" ok but your only .5 taller than me standing at 5'8.5 ya know"
"actually i'm 5'8.7" now
" ok but still it's not that muchhhh"
"pffft" the two other girls were trying to hold in their laughs then they just bursted out laughing
" pfft hahaha"
" oii don't laugh" i said
" hahahahaha"
" oii stopp"
"okok" they said in between their giggles
" how tall are you guys anyway" bf/n said
" i'm 5'10 only an inch shorter than the captain" Aria said
"and i'm 5'9.5"
"*anime tears* even both our liberos are taller than me" i said

"huh what was that"
" ahh shit don't tell me it's-" bf/n cut you off
"yup your brothers fan girls"
"ugh those girls are so annoying their always like miya~sempai this and miya~sempai that" Aria said
"tell me about it" i roll my eyes
" hahah" we all laughed
" i would literally die if i was related to the twins i would not be able to handle those girls. how do you do it?" tomiko said
"oh their nothing compared to my fan boys. atsumu just calls the girls squealing pigs"
" haha that's literally what they sound like though" tomiko said
"bitch please more like banshees" i laughed out
" i swear to god if those boys chase me again i'm literally gonna go off on them"
" hahaha i would do the same" aria said
" just hopefully they don't watch our practice all the time" bf/n said
" oho you can say that again" i said
" well if you look at the time i think we should get back to class soon"
" yeah your right"
" ok bye guys see you at practice" Aria said then we all parted our ways to head to class with bf/n with me and tomiko with aria.

hello hope you guys enjoyed this chapter let me know if you want me to do character profiles.
- Corryna

word count: 1152⚡️

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