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- Akaashi pov-

I start to walk to Kenma's room with a bandaid which he had asked for. I come to a stop and stare at Bokuto-San's room, my heart gets heavy again, everytime I think about him my heart sinks lower. I shake my head out and continue to walk to Kenma room. I drop off the bandaid and once more, my heart gets heavier. I walk quickly back to my room and try to forget Bokuto-San but all I can think about is him....I shut my door and look at my phone, praying he texted me. My eyes widen and I snatch my phone quickly, I sit on my bed and open the chat.

- Bokuto and Akaashi chat-

Bokuto: hey.....Kuroo said I should talk to u...

Akaashi: about what?

Bokuto:...did you mean anything u said....

Akaashi: of course not! I swear on my life....I think none of those things....

Bokuto: ok

Akaashi: May we speak in person....?

Bokuto: ig

Akaashi: meet me outside

I'm so very happy that he considered to talk to me, and above all I get to see him again. I put my phone in my back pocket and go outside. I lean against a tree and wait patiently. ' akaashi....?' I look up at him. Oh my god...he looks terrible...he looks way to skinny and has beat red eyes...He keeps snapping at me ' akaashi???' He continues to snap his fingers. ' oh uhm' I wipe my eyes before tears could actually been shown. ' hey you alright?' Is he really asking ME if IM ok?! ' don't ask if I'm ok! What the hell! Your the one whose put through so look miserable...I'm sorry for putting it in words like that's not heathy....I'm sorry....I'm the one who started this...I shouldn't said those things...I mean none of it I swear....I never wanted this...I never want to leave you....' tears flood out my eyes, there's no stoping them... I feel a sudden warmness. I cant see anything from the tears, but I hug back, never wanting to let go. ' what you said is done! Ight! So now we Gucci again, can we play sorry?!' He pulls away and has that stupid grin on his face, I can see tears in his eyes to, he's still visibly hurt. ' please don't cry anymore...!' He wipes my eyes. Why am I being babied?! ' let's play let's play!' He smiles still...he's happy....' fine, but first let's have some breakfast?' I walk inside w him ' I guess' he doesn't sound to enthusiastic. We go inside, I make a small breakfast and he eats it. ' so, what did you wanna play again?' I ask washing the dishes. ' actually, never mind, I'm gon' go to bed' he walks to his room and shut the door. I sign, I guess at least we're talking.

- couple weeks later-

Couple weeks past and it's back to normal, like nothing happened. ' AKAAAASHIIIII!' I hear bokuto whine from Kuroo room. By the way Bokuto looks much better. I hear Kuroo answer ' oh man up! I'm not even putting weight!!!' Kenma shares a look with me and we both laugh. Bokuto comes out with slightly messed up hair. ' did Kuroo win again?' Kenma asks. Bokuto nods sadly. Kenma bursts into laughter. ' it's not funny....' Bokuto-San pouts crossing his arms. Kuroo runs out of his room and laugh at bokuto. ' I win I win!' He taunts him. ' I'll win next time!!' He turns his head quickly towards him. They both taunt and tease eachother. ' Kuroo stop bullying Bokuto' Kenma laughs. Bokuto-San crosses his arms again. Kuroo pokes at Bokuto's side. ' Aw, come here' I extend my arms. He lays on his stomach in front of me and hugs around my waist. I rub his head. ' so' Kuroo takes a seat by kenma. ' what y'all watching?' Kenma shrugs. ' I'm not sure?' I answer. Bokuto spins around so his back is on my chest, and I can rest my chin on his head.

 Bokuto spins around so his back is on my chest, and I can rest my chin on his head

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His body is really warm, and it's keeping me warm. And we normally sit like this, it's very comfy. ' can we watch fails' Kenma asks, already having the remote in hand. ' I guess?' Kuroo questions more the answers. As the fails went on, my legs started to get numb, I can't even feel them I've been sitting for so long. I tap Bokuto's arm. He looks at me and sits up so I can stand. Amazing how he knew. I stand and take a couple steps before collapsing. I rub my knee as everyone else laughs. Bokuto was the one to help me up, even though him and Kuroo were laughing the hardest. ' you ight?' Bokuto-San still laughs picking me up. ' I'm fine' Bokuto puts me down still holding me, letting my feet dangle above the floor. My feet finally touch but he's still holding me up, as if I'm a baby learning to walk. My legs are still completely numb. ' can you walk yet' he asks. ' yea' I answered walking away. I come back with some water and kenma is missing. ' guys where's Kenma.....' I start to panic. ' I hid him and forgot where.' Kuroo says oh so bluntly. I look frantically, in small spaces, outside, I come back to the living room and hear whines from the couch we honestly don't use that much. I look between the cushions and there's Kenma. I pull him out. ' I'm not even mad...' I start. ' I just wanna know how did you even manage to do that?' Kuroo Answers for me. ' I honestly...don't know?' Bokuto has his hands in the air as if I was a cop and told him to ' all I know was it wasn't me!' I shake my head disappointedly. Kenma goes to his room and plays on his games, Kuroo goes to his room and does whatever the hell he does.
All there is left is Bokuto and I. ' can we play?' He gives me puppy dog eyes. He's to cute sometimes, I don't want to break out of character. ' I guess, like what' ' I wan run!!!' Yea, because running is a game, at least to him, he finds almost anything a possible game. Like finding the biggest stick. ' it's raining though' I point out the window. ' a lil rain won't kill us!! Please Akaashi!!!' I give a small smile ' get you jacket' he runs to his room and grab his jacket. I'm not sure why, we have a coat rack by the door, it has a jacket for each one of us. I slide my arm through the sleeve as Bokuto comes out. He's light on his toes. I'm struggling to put my jacket on, why is this so hard? It's a jacket. I hear Bokuto laugh out ' AKAASHI CANT PUT ON A JACKETT!!!!' ' shut. Up.' I'm still struggling to put my arm through the sleeve. I start to get really irritated. Bokuto puts both of his hands on my shoulders to stop my movements. Before I could say anything he takes off my jacket and un-twists it. He then flips it so it's not inside out, he helps me put the jacket back on. To say the least, I'm red. I'm embarrassed, I'm usually the one helping Bokuto put on his jacket, not the other way around. ' it happens to all of us!' He smiles and gives me thumbs up. I turn my head away slightly. ' can we just go' I lead the way. Bokuto follows. Bokuto stands beside me and shares a look. ' ready?' He asks. I nod and we both run. He's running like his life depends on it and I'm lightly jogging. He eventually slows down so he jogs by me. ' can you go any faster!' He whines. ' if you have so much energy then you can clean your room' I keep my focus in-front of me. ' Geez....ruin a moment' he pouts. I smile slightly and start to run, catching Bokuto off guard, before I knew it we were racing. To where? I'm not sure. I don't know what happened but, before I could process it all, I trip and land on my knee, leading to my face. Bokuto sets me up, worried. I hold my head, pretending it didn't hurt but in all odds it really did. I'm not bleeding or anything, I guess I'm kinda being a baby. ' what happened!' Bokuto sounds sad. ' I fell, my leg probably gave out. I'm fine let's just continue' I stand. Bokuto has the happiest grin ever. He starts to say something but it starts pouring on us. Today really isn't my lucky day. I put my hood over my head, I never liked being rained on. But...Bokuto loves it, he would constantly run outside during rain. He would drag Kuroo to play volleyball with him. ' let's go back' ' Aw man' he sighs. ' let's go!' We walk to the house, I was in a hurry but he was not. I grab his hand and start to pull him to go faster. As we got close to the house, he started to pull me to the tree by the house. He holds my hand in the air, cause me to stand closer to him, he wraps his arm around my back. ' I wan say sumthin quickly' ' guys get inside!' Kuroo pulls us inside. ' playing in the rain huh? It's going to hail soon. My lord' Kuroo walks back to his room with Kenma. What....the hell was that. Why am I being treated like a child today. ' hehe! Usually your the one dragging me and Kuroo in' Bokuto throws a towel at me to dry off with. ' ok. Go to bed. It's late' I dry off and go to my room. I change clothing and go straight to sleep. Soon after everyone falls asleep. Today was tiring, but the wonders of what tomorrow holds scares me.

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