You Promised Ciel x Suicidal!Reader (Modern) [AU]

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"Hey sleepy..." You lift your head to see a certain midnight blue haired boy. Your boyfriend;
Ciel Phantomhive.
You've been living with him since... The accident 7 years ago...You were now 17 and he was 19.

"Morning..." You said sleepily. As you lifted yourself up slightly.

"Good sleep?"


"Nothing wrong?"


"Explain this." He said saddened as he grabbed your violently scarred arm.

"Ciel... Just... Don't..." You sighed as you got up. He pulled you back down into a warm embrace kissing your scars like he used to, it sent shivers up and down your spine.

"Why? Why did you do it?" A few silent tears rolled off his cheeks.

"Ciel..." You pushed his arms away only for them to be wrapped back around you. "TELL ME WHY DAMNIT!" He screeched angrily, his voice cracking as more tears began to fall.

"I just-"




"You did..." You lied and it seemed to work to your advantage. You felt the grip loosen on your waist.

"I-I-I-I-" an endless cycle began as he sat there eyes widened, mouth gaping open, shocked by what he had just heard. You walked out of the room. That's when the tears started to fall. You tripped on something as you made your way to the kitchen.

"Hu-" You stopped and realised what you had tripped on... There it was, the memories of that day came flooding back.

~To Your Mind Palace (Sherlock Reference Right There!)~
You ran towards the stall and saw the most adorable toy ever you looked at it with sparkling eyes.
"Wanna test your luck ey missy?" He said as you nodded and paid for three darts. "You know the drill my dear hit three balloons and you win a prize!" You nodded as you stared at the balloons. You were out on a date with your boyfriend at a fair down near the sea.
You threw one dart...
It missed.
You threw the second.
Better luck next time.
You threw the third.
"Damnit..." You let out a sigh as you walked away only to be pulled back.
"Three please." You heard as you looked up at your smiling boyfriend and stared him right in his beautiful blue eyes.
He threw one dart and hit a balloon straight away.
He hit another with the second.
Then the third.
"WE HAVE A WINNER!!!!!" The man behind the stall exclaimed.
"Pick your prize son." He said as the boy pointed at a white polar bear stuffed toy with a navy blue and midnight blue scarf around its neck. As he received the prize he handed it to a shocked [Y/N]. He chuckled as you took the toy graciously.
"You didn't-"
"Have to? I definitely did."
He smiled down at you before grabbing your hand and walking with you.
You walked along the boardwalk with fingers intertwined with another's and you cuddling with the polar bear.

"Beautiful..." You heard a whisper from behind you as you watched the sunset with your boyfriend.

"It is isn't it..." You smiled and looked back at the Blackish blue haired boy.

"Not that silly!" He said and poked his tongue out.

You looked at him confused.

"You..." It was silent until he leaned forward and planted a passionate kiss on your lips. Your lips moved in sync as he licked your bottom lip asking for entry which you immediately agreed to. You're tongues danced for dominance, as you ran your fingers through his hair. it was over all too soon. You pulled away gasping for air, as did he.

"I love you..."

"I love you too..."

The beauty of the moment was indescribable.


You hummed as if to say yes

"Will you move in with me?" He asked.

"Of course I will." You said and smiled before planting a quick kiss on his lips.
"Oh and [Y/N]."


"Promise me you won't cut anymore..." His voice lowered to a whisper. He kissed the middle of each of your scars then looked up into your eyes with a hopeful glint.

"I promise..."

~Back To Normal Time. Butttt Mooooooooom I Wanna Stay In The Mind Palace. No Buts Mister. Bu-. BUTTS ARE FOR POOPING~

You lay there for a minute staring at the object. That day was the happiest day of your life...

"Ciel... I'm sorry." You whispered as you started to choke up "IM SO SORRY!!!" You screamed as you ran to the bathroom and locked the door.

~POV Of a rather shaken Ciel~

I sat there for a moment contemplating on the events that just unfolded.

Then I heard a thud, then crying, then a scream.


I got up from the bed and rushed to the door only to hear the slam of another door.

"[Y/N]!" I shouted.

"[Y/N] come on this isn't funny!" I shouted as I heard a piece of metal hit the floor.


I ran to the bathroom door and kicked it down with ease only to find my sweet, innocent [Y/N] alive but, unconscious. I ran over and checked her arm. As I feared new cuts were visible. One was deep and had split open the vein only in the slightest.

I reached for my phone and dialled 911.

The phone rang. The paramedics came. And took her away along with me. We got to the hospital. They went to work on her. They said she was in a bad condition but would live...

I walked into her ward and say beside her with both my hands around one of her delicate hands. I sobbed as a sat and rubbed her hand.
~Third Person View On Thangs~
"Oh [Y/N]..." Ciel whispered as he lowered his head to her chest.

"You Promised..."

~Reasons Why You Cut + Story Explanation~

Your Parents Died... (Refer to the Accident part.) You were so depressed and thought that no one loved you. Then during the last scene you realised someone did and you had just ruined your chances of happiness therefore you decided to "Take Away The Pain"

~Love Ya... Never Stop Living...~


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