Chapter 3

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"Grandpa?" I yell out as I enter my room through my balcony. "We need to talk!"

I look around, the only sign I've been here is the dead body half-way out the door. I glance over to the butler and crouch down, the skin around his cut is black and spreading. He's still alive, just paralyzed and in agonizing pain. I poke the wound with my bandaged finger, only to see black, infected blood ooze out.

"That's why you shouldn't fuck around. You'll find out," I tell him as he groans and his eyes meet mine. "I don't know why you thought you could beat Aizawa's top mercenary, but you do you, I guess."

"Aizawa! I know you can hear me, grandpa," I stand up and step out into the hallway, only to be met with new, torn wallpaper and graffiti. "Oh, please tell me you're fucking playing."

I carefully examine the graffitied symbols on the wall. This is how my group communicates with each other, as it just looks like the place has been abandoned. I run my fingers over the three lines that decorate the wallpaper, the sign that this place has been abandoned. I rub my fingers together as I pull them back.

The paint is still wet. He should still be here. The leader always stays behind until the paint dries.

I run down the hallway, bursting into his office, met with the wide windowsills that decorate the office and a big, white male with long, silver hair.

"Ah, the granddaughter, there you are," My brows furrow at seeing my grandpa signing papers at his desk. What work could he possibly be doing right now?

"What is going on here?" I demand, walking up and slamming my fist onto his desk, sending papers flying.

"There is no need for such violence when there is such happiness on the way," my grandpa smiles and sits back. "I've arranged a marriage for you, my darling."

"I'm under no legal relation to you! How could you ever arrange a marriage for me?" I slam my fist on the desk again. Slowly, he starts to rise, setting his hand on my fist and releasing his bloodlust.

"Take a seat, L/N," the big blond hippo tells me with his hand on my shoulder. I took on Ichika's name after I killed her. Nobody should have the right to call me Y/N. I slowly retract my hand from under my grandpa's, scared he'll pounce. I sit on the leather chair, wait--no, hoping, for one of them to explain.

"Ah, my son, you've arrived," the blond hippo-look-alike goes. I turn my head to where he was referencing to, I didn't even hear him approach. "Take a seat next to L/N and we'll get started."

I watch as his slender frame sits on the leather chair beside me. I glare at Aizawa, trying to get my question of what the fuck is happening across in my expression.

"Now, Y/N," I visibly flinch when Aizawa calls my name, "the Zoldyck's have been looking for a suitable wife for a while. They held competitions, putting one competitor up against another, and you won. You are the last competitor."

I pause, shaking my head in disbelief.

"No, I..." I pause, trying to process all the new information. "When did I even enter, this so-called 'competition'. And since when did you..?"

I breathe in sharply as Silva sets his hands on my shoulders, almost completely engulfing them with just his palm. No wonder his son is as tall as a giraffe.

"I've known who you were since the first day I met you. After all, I was the one who sent the assassin, Ichika, to test your family's strength," Immediately, I think of lunging for him, but the blonde hippo has his hands planted firmly on my shoulders. Instead, I opt to dig my nails into the leather seat. He killed my family.

"I remember it clearly, thank you very much," I manage to get out through my gritted teeth, somehow shaking Silva's hands off me. My grandfather laughs, even going so far as to place a hand on his chest.

"You only remember what you want to, darling," my eyebrows furrow at his words, I can't let him get in my head now, not when I've done so well at keeping him out.

"Sign here," my grandpa drawls out in his southern accent. I glare up at his defiantly, but move my hand to sign, knowing the consequence would be death if I didn't. I see his figure flash away, then back. "The paint is dry. She's all yours, Mr. Zoldyck."

"Perfect, Mr. L/N," Silva places his hands back on my shoulder and looks down at me as my grandfather disappears once more. "Now, will you give us trouble? I'd hate to have to rip those pretty fingernails off."

Shocked I was put in this situation, I slowly shake my head. He hums with a slight smile and offers his hand to help me up. Gathering myself, I accept. He leads me towards his son and connects our hands. Silva looks at us for a moment and smirks.

"Powerful children will continue the Zoldyck line...I'm sure of it," He smiles big, his eyes almost bulging out of his head, his smile seeming just a bit too wide. "Now, come."

Suddenly, I'm hoisted onto Illumi's back, and he jumps out of the window.

"Fuck," I mutter under my breath. "You could've at least warned me."

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⏰ Last updated: May 27 ⏰

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