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Gar and Rachel have been going out for a few months now, nobody knows about their relationship, Until one day someone catches them, how would Dick react to this? 


Gar and I decided to go to the park after dinner with the titans,we celebrated killing Deathstroke.

"Hey guys Rachel and I have something to pick up from the record shop 10 minutes away, We'll be back at around 8:30" Gar said

everyone nodded, except for Jason, who decided to come celebrate with us, he wasn't talking to rose of course. Jason seemed a little suss, but we didn't say anything. We left the tower and went to the park for a little walk, we couldn't shake the feeling that we where being watched or followed. 

"Hey I think we should head back, I know its still early but I think someone is following us" I said in a mumble, Gar agreed, I gave him a little peck on the lips before we started heading back, Today was Dawn's turn for dishes, and hank undid the table and helped clean, Dick was watching Netflix, Kory Was trying to track her sister, blackfire down, and rose was having a talk with Jason so we assumed we where alone.

"Hey Rach, Wanna stay in my room tonight?" Gar asked, and I nodded quickly.

We took our places on his bed and I nuzzled my head under his chin, as he wrapped an arm around my waist, I quickly fell asleep. But woke up to the door slamming open and Dick walking in.

"Jason and rose told me about-" Dick stopped mid sentence opening his eyes just to see us cuddled on the bed.

"Its not what it looks like!" Gar yelled. 

"I thought we spoke about the titans not dating one another!" Dick shouted back.

I got up a walked towards him "You slept with Kory" I said as i took my place back on the bed cuddling with gar. 

"Both of you guys get up, titans meeting." Dick said in a stern voice.

We got up and walked to the training room, where we usually have our meetings. 

"Everyone remember I said dating was not allowed?!" Dick spat  

"Dick relax, you slept with Kory, Rose use  to date Jason and I used to date hank, Whats wrong with a little romance here and there?" Dawn said calmly.

"That was the past this is the future-" dick was cut off by Kory 

"Wait a minutes, why are we having this meeting? You tell us this everyday, and you even tell the kids not to make the same mistake the adults made, meaning to save your body until after marriage, kinda rude, but why are we having this meeting?" 

Gar's cheeks went tomato red.

"Well you see, two UNDERAGE titans are sleeping with each other" Dick babbled 


"Gar relax, lets just leave." I led him out of the training room and back to his room. 

we fell asleep fast, since it was 5 AM, We got up the next morning and decided to go or breakfast, but we where eating at the cafe. I left for my room to shower and get changed. I got out and went to Gar's room to wait for him, he got out of the shower with a towel around his neck. 

"Hey Rach, Can you pass me my jacket please?" I Threw it at him, forgetting my make up 

"Sh!t I forgot my make up" I chuckled 

"Its okay, you looking beautiful with out make up" Gar replied Kissing my forehead  

"Love you" I said. 

"Love you too" he giggled as he put his jacket on.

before leaving to the cafe we where stopped by Dick

"Hey guys, I just wanted to apologize for yesterday, I wasn't thinking right-" I cut him off with a hug, Gar joined us. 

"its all fine, we understand, we'll get you some coffee" Gar said letting go of the hug.


"They are so grown up" I thought. 

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