Part 1 Fey's Creed

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It's so pretty. The red dots dancing around my body, threatening to hit a vital organ with just one suspicious move. My heart hammers wildly against my chest, in fear, in frenzy, in excitement. I wonder whether those bright red dots would blot my favorite green dress if they decide to pull the trigger. With just one hit, my blood would seep out, like flowers blooming against my satin dress, flowing gracefully, freely, beautifully . . . Red over green—


The megaphone echoes from below. Helicopters circle around with their search light directed on me. I half-close my eyes from the blinding, assertive light from above. It's so overwhelming when it comes from different directions. The strong wind the propellers induce, the cold air of the night brings goosebumps to my skin. I feel like it's a concert. I giggle. My concert.

"Sure!" I shout against the strong wind but I doubt they hear me from a hundred feet up. I raise my hands and let my spear fall down the building. I anticipate for it to clang loudly when it hits the ground but my ears feel like it'll pop off from the air pressure the helicopters cause. I don't hear it reach the ground though. Perhaps it pierced someone from below or someone caught it. I look at the skies. "Now what?"

"Surrender yourself!"


"Surrender yourself!"

I put a hand on my ear.


"Surrender yourself!"

"Ah! Surrender myself!" I clap and nod. Not in adherence but in mutual understanding. I clutch my stomach and laugh so hard. They're so funny! The police? Me? Surrender? Hilarious! I wipe the tears from eyes, shaking my head. "Sorry boys! Ain't happening tonight!"

I spread my arms, take a step in the air and fall backwards. Wind whistles against my ears and I feel the cold night air kiss my skin. I take a lungful of air, cherishing this very second, my beating heart, this feverish moment. From where I stand, bullets fly past and I smile. A little too late for them.

Before I plummet into a graceful fall and get squashed to the ground, a whipcord encircles my waist and holds me in suspension. I look up and start to wave but someone yanks me up violently and pulls me through the window as it shuts with a snap. "Hello!" Only then I greet him with an enthusiastic wave. "Why're you here?"

Freed rolls his honey golden eyes at me as he yanks the cord from my waist and twists it into a big knot. "Where would I be if not saving your ass?"

"My beautiful ass," I giggle and run my fingers along my red hair but it gets in a tangled mess.

He sighs, puts the cord around his chest, sweeps me off my feet and carries me over his shoulder. "Come on."

"You know I don't wanna go back," I say as I place my elbow on his back and put my chin on my hand. "And you know what happens when I don't wanna."

"I know," he says through gritted teeth. "And I didn't save you to tell you to come."

"Ooh. Here for advice, then?" I say cheerfully. "Traitors in your ranks after I left? You can let them go. Or kill them." I shrug. "I don't really mind."

"They've been taken care of," he says. "And I know you don't mind."

"True," I nod in agreement. We descend the stairs and go straight to his hypercar parked underground. He opens the door for me and I ask him if I could drive but he refuses. "Damn stingy," I pout and cross my arms as he hits the gas. "Just one stir with this new baby!"

"You'll crash it in two seconds," Freed says as we quietly speed away from the helicopters prowling around the ACE building where I jumped a few minutes ago.

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