In the begaining

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In the beginning was the world and it was good. God made it good and every thing in it and around it was good. God made his angels and his favorite angel was lucifer. Well, lucifer was a musician and he loved to play music. God really adored he great songs of holiness. But lucifer did not adore God. He wanted something more than just to pleases God and the Angels with his great songs. Lucifer wanted to be different he wanted to be equal as God. He felt like he was the most needed angel in the great heavens. And without his great songs the heavens will be in total destruction. One day lucifer joined some Angels that felt the same way he did and they attempted to defeat the lord and so they lord agreed to fight with them. The lord put on his helmet of peace, his shelid of grace, his armor of love, and his sword of truth. With one slash of his sword, lucifer and his gang of twisted Angels was sent to a firery place that God have made just for any Angels that do show signs of evil. This place was hell.

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