Please Remember me..

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Tomura's P.O.V.
I was walking in the living room only to see the 2 new idiots on the couch.
"So you 2,age and name now." I say in a dominant voice.
Dabi's P.O.V.
I was in the living room with Toga when our boss came and asked us our name and age.
"Toga my name and I have 17 years old!" Toga said to Tomura.
"I go by Dabi." I said looking at him in the eyes.
"Your real name?" Tomura asked me annoyed by my answer.
"I will tell it when is time,hey but how can you see with that hand on your face?" I asked to change the subject.
Tomura's P.O.V.
My eyes widened when I heard the question, because of the shook I didn't notice Dabi came and took father away from me.
"Hey! Give back!" I said to him wanted to reach to his hand to take father back.
"First you need to catch me!" Said Dabi and begun to run away from me.
I felt anger in me. Tears formed in my eyes and were falling from my eyes.
"GIVE FATHER BACK!" I yelled at him,but he didn't listen to me.
Kurogiri and Twice came fast in the living room as they heard my scream.
"Tomura!" Kurogiri said walking to me.
"I SWEAR I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!" I said running to him,almost touching him with my hand.
Dabi's P.O.V
I was shook for a moment. I never saw Shigaraki that mad. And all because of a hand? I hate to say that,but I always was afraid of his power.
"Shigaraki! Calm down!" I heard the portal guy said to Shigaraki,opening an portal so he can't touch me.
"Take it back..." I said to him,as I gave him his hand.

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