Chapter 1

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I knew that my city didn't actually belong to me...but it used to feel that way. My life had always been an easy game. I was queen of the social scene. Until...

Due to unforeseen circumstances, I had to leave town for a while. But my self-imposed exile came to an end. And I was ready to reclaim what was mine. Or was I?


Where was everyone, I thought to myself as I got into the airport lounge. I looked around the room and saw an angry man yelling into his cellphone, a pair of teenage girls hugging and crying. And finally, I saw my sister standing next to a chauffer holding a 'welcome home' sign. That was it?! That was my welcome home parade?


My sister, Emilia ran to hug me. 

"Emilia, where is everyone?" I asked. "I thought I told you to spread the word that I was coming home." 

"I did spread the word. They, um, couldn't make it." 

"I've been gone all this time and they couldn't even make it to the airport to meet me? I though Bree would be here at least." 

"A lot has changed in the last few months. You'll see. In the meantime, I hope you don't mind the low key welcome back." 

"I'm disappointed that no one came to meet me." I moaned. "Not even Bree." 

"Be honest: when did you last talk to Bree?" Emilia asked.

The truth was, I didn't even remember. My sister read my facial expression and smirked.

"Come on, we have a car waiting. I'll fill you in on the way home." 


"Feel like you're home yet?" my sister asked me as we stepped out of the car.

"The warm, fuzzy feeling will last until I see Lydia." I said. "While we're on the subject, how long has it been with that harpy?" 

"Same as always, I guess. I've seen more of her than dad since you left. He's been working a lot. But then what else is new?" 

"Speaking of said a lot of things have changed around here. What did you mean by that?" I asked.

"There's been a big hole in the social scene since you left. A lot of people have tried to fill it." 

"When you say 'tried', you also mean 'failed', right?" 

"Life went on without you, Dixie." my sister sighed.

"Bet it was pretty empty." 

Emilia's phone started to ring in her pocket. She picked it up and looked at the screen.

"I need to take this. You go inside, I'll be right there." 

She couldn't take a phone call in front of me? Since when? 


I walked into my apartment building and pressed the button for the elevator. The doors slid open and I came face to face with my old friend, Boone. 


He came out of the elevator and wrapped his big arms around me. I'd known Boone for years.

"What are you doing here, Boone?" I asked him. 

"I was just dropping something off for you." he smiled. "A little welcome home gift." 

"A gift? What is it?" 

"You're always so suspicious." he laughed. "Don't worry, Dixie. Those photos I took of you in Cabo will never see the light of day." 

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