Chapter 2

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My reign is over? What was that supposed to mean?

"Leaving so soon? You just got here." 

I turned around and Boone was standing there. 

"I know when I'm not welcome." I said.

"Not welcome? By who?"

"Bree. Long story short, she isn't happy to see me." 

"Why not?" Boone asked. "I thought she'd be glad you're back." 

"Well, she's not. Not by a long shot." 

"Sorry to hear that, Dixie. But there are other people who want you should stick around and let me admire you in that dress. I knew it would look great on you." 

"Nice try, but no." I laughed. "The last thing I need is a showdown with Bree on my first night back." 

"You really think it could come to that?" 

"She's got that look in her eyes. Trust me, I know what that looks like. Time for me to call it a night." 

"Goodnight, Dixie. And for the record...I really am glad you're back." Boone smiled.



I rolled out of bed and went into the kitchen. My sister was sat stood by the counter sipping a cup of coffee. 

"Morning, Em." I smiled.

"Hey, Dixie. How did you sleep? You disappeared early last night." 

"My reunion with Bree didn't go as planned." 

"Was it really that bad?" she asked.

"It was worse. She said the social scene has changed around here. She made it sound like I'm old news or something." I rolled my eyes.

"Yikes..." Emilia smirked.

"You don't have to look so smug about it." 

"I'm not smug, I just find this whole thing kinda dumb. The struggle for power." 

"I don't know who she thinks she is but she can't just cancel me like that." 

"Nobody's cancelling you, Dixie." my sister said, raising her eyebrows. "Maybe you just need to apologise to her again. In fact, I have the perfect opportunity for you. I invited Bree to meet us for lunch." 

"And she said yes?" I asked shocked.

"She did. See? She totally wants to make amends, Dixie. Jourdan and Kinsley will be there too. The whole group." 

I smiled proudly at my little sister. 

"Good work, Em. I need everyone to know I'm back in town. Apparently, they think I've fallen off the face of the earth. And on that note, I'd better go get dressed." 

I went into the bathroom and ran myself a hot bath. I dropped in one of my favourite rose-scented bath bombs and watched the water change from clear to bright pink. I undressed and stepped into the water, smiling as I began to relax. 

Then I started to worry about the brunch. What if the girls didn't really want to make amends. In the end, I decided to ring Boone and ask his advice. 

"Be honest, Boone. Is this brunch a bad idea?" I asked him. "I'm pretty sure Bree hates me." 

"Bree doesn't hate you, Dixie. She's your best friend." 

"Was. She was my best friend." 

"She can't stay mad at you forever. Trust me, she'll come around." Boone reassured me. "Forget about Bree for a second and focus on me. Can I see you later? I have a few things to fill you in on." 

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2020 ⏰

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