The Problem Is I Love You Too

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Chapter 1: There's me and then there's Bethany

''MOVE!''Bethany yelled at me.''Look,Beffy..I'm here so you walk around me..K?''I happily yelled back at her.Bethany is 'that' girl,you know the 'girl' i'm talking about.The one who has a colour to wear for each day until she dies,the one that is so loaded her dad bought her the school we go to and the one who hates people like me.I'm Layla Miller,I'm 16 :)

''Look Layla,you move i'll be happy,''Beth said.''Looks like your staying sad & lonely so,''I replied.I know it's silly that I wouldn't move,but if thats the way she's going to tell me to move,I will stay perfectly still outside my locker.Beth walked away pulling a strand of my choppy brown hair behind her.''Um..aaaoouucchh!''I said as I gave her a hit on the shoulder.She eventually let go when she saw Shaun coming.Shaun Morteva,17,the guy every girl know..except me :)

I stood there fixing the knots out of my hair,it was before any of our classes had started so I needed to get the knots out..or Beth would say 'Frankensteins wife called looking for her hair back' and I usually reply 'Atleast I don't have Frankensteins wife's number' and then we walk away from eachother.Shaun came past us,Bethany flirting like a mad man and me trying to get knots out of my hair..what a sight we must have been.But I was happy because he gave Bethany 'what are you doing you creep' look,so that was my day made.

I went to my bass class and sat next to Amelia (my best friend).She started talking about some talent competition that she wanted to enter.I (being me) started day dreaming about an apartment I was going to buy when I turned 17.(1 day to go)

Chapter 2: My 17th Birthday

After Amelia had stopped talking,I came out of my dream and before i knew itmy first 3 classes were over we headed for our lockers.''What are you doing tomorrow for your BIRTHDAAAAY???''Amelia yelled at the top of her lungs.I quickly covered her mouth,I hate birthdays,always have,always will.So I most definitely did NOT want people coming up to me saying 'Happy 17th Birthday,where have the years gone?'.''Saving,''I replied to her as I let her breath again.''You are soo tottalllyyyy boorrrrriiiinnnngggg!''she told me,''Thanks,now I know what you think of me,''I said laughing.''No But..''She tried to back track but I butted in ''I need to save if I want the apartment.''

The rest of the school part of the day went fast,but when it came for time to go home,Bethany was outside of the corridor waiting for me.''What do you want Beffy?''I asked her.''Stay away from Shaun,he's mine!''she threatened.''Didn't want him anyway,''I told her.''Yeh well his parents & my parents are organising a wedding,we are having a organised marriage,''Bethany said.I felt a strike of pain go through me,I thought it was just that I was feeling sorry for him,so I pushed the thought away.''Ok well thats nice,Can I go now?''I asked her.''Yes you may,''She replied.''Oh thanks yout lordship,''I said while having a small curtsy ( I was only joking though).Me and Amelia walked as far away as possible from Bethany.''Wanna come to my house?''Amelia asked.''Sure,''I replied quite stunned.

When we got to Amelia's we did our homework so all I had left for the weekend was my Essay on Theadore Roosavelt for Ms.Moren.I could tell Amelia was stunned by Beth's news aswell.''The poor guy,''Amelia said in the middle of an awkward silence.Even though we hadn't talked about it,I knew straight away what she was on about.''Yep,poor guy had his whole life ahead of him,''I replied.''They say your dead until your married,he'll die when he gets married,''Amelia followed.This couldn't be happening,would I be invited?If I was would I go...for Shaun?.All These questions were running through my brain when my mum called.''Hello,yep,k,see ya in a min''.''I have to go home,appareantly they have some big news,''I told Amelia.''Bad start to the day,good ending,''Amelia replied.

I ran down the stairs,said thank you to Marie (Amelia's mother) for having me and left.I ran down the road faster than I ever had and straight in to the big red house on the right (my House).''I'm Home,''I said laying my bag on the stairs.''Hi hunny!,''my mum said coming out of the kitchen.''Come on in!''She said.I followed her back into the kitchen to see a big birthday cake and a present.''Happy Birthday!''My family yelled,Well my mum and dad did,my brother didn't seem so pleased.''Thank you,''I told them with a slight laugh in my voice.''Here open this,''my dad said.I took the present in my hands and pulled the bow.When the present unraveled there where car keys and house keys.''Whats this?''I asked confused.''Well your going to need a car to get to school from your apartment,''my mum said.''Thank you,but my birthdays tomorrow & I didn't take a drivers test,''I told them.''UGH,Dads a driver coachy tester fella and you drove his car around the other day you Idiot!''my brother said.''Oh?thats what that was for!''I laughed while nudging my dad.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2013 ⏰

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