Chapter 3

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Author notes:Chapter 3!Yay~ Please leave a comment what you want to happen next and I might add it ;)

*Your P.O.V*

I can't believe I stormed out like that,I feel childish....Boris must think I'm a brat...Alice is the best big sister I could ask for and she is lucky.I sigh then go out to see if Boris is still there but when I open the door I see Boris baking or more like trying to make a cake.

"Y....Y/N!!!" He was bright red,probably embarrassed.I laughed,he was covered in flower.Somehow laughing at him made me feel a bit better.

*Boris's P.O.V*

Y/N is laughing...she has a lovely smile as she laughs,but why did she have to be at the most embarrassing moment?I was trying to make a cake to cheer her up.

"Y/N I...I was trying to make something to cheer you up..." Why am I so nervous?She stopped laughing and looked at me,she smiled....a beautiful smile...seeing her E/C and her H/C right there,right now...made my heart skip a beat.Even if my heart is just a clock I swear...I heard it skip a beat.

"Thank you...Let me help" She said with a kind smile,am I the first to see this beauty?She gives Peter this smile....Peter...why is it that hearing his name piss me off?

Author notes:Well I'm sensing a love chain,find out what happens next in chapter 4 :3

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