Chapter 12

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The atmosphere at the breakfast table in the dining-room was slightly different from that on the previous days due to Wonsik's presence. He had been back home just the evening before and it was a relief that Jinyoung's hand had recovered in time. Jinyoung did not like the idea of worrying his father or having to explain how he had got that injury.

"This might sound so sudden," Wonsik said, turning to Mark, "I've been thinking, Mark, you should have tours of the other hotels in the country. Besides, it is about time one of us visited and checked them. Jinyoung's been to all of them a couple of times. So this time, it's your turn."

This indeed was so sudden. But Mark had waited for this opportunity for so long. It was just that he had not expected it to come to him so soon. He took a brief glance at Jinyoung to see his reaction. But aside from surprise, he saw nothing else on his brother's face.

"When do I have to go?"

"Tomorrow. Is that too soon? But if you're not ready, you can choose another date."

This was when Mark felt a need to prove that he was not afraid of challenges. He said, "Tomorrow is okay."

"Great. It'll take about two weeks. You'll surely learn a lot from this," Wonsik said, "If you want to know anything in advance, just ask Jinyoung."

Mark nodded. All the while, Jinyoung was silent and Mark wanted to know what his brother was thinking now.

Mark was familiarising himself again with any information related to the hotels within the country. He and Jinyoung were in the hotel suite. And he had not asked any help from Jinyoung. He still had no idea of what Jinyoung thought about this whole thing either. But why did he care?

Jinyoung took a Coke from the fridge and came back to the study table where Mark was. As he leaned against the table drinking the Coke, Mark looked up at him from his chair.

"You only need to talk to the managers and they'll help you check anything you need to," Jinyoung said, "You'll have to travel to one destination after another. I tell you it'll take more than two weeks. Especially because this is your first time."

"Aren't you worried?"

Jinyoung raised his eyebrows and Mark explained further, "I mean don't you feel threatened that I'm getting this opportunity? You sound so nonchalant."

Jinyoung put down the Coke on the table and crossed his arms. He was for a moment pensive. "Threatened? That's a strong word. But I was shocked. I was assigned to this task only after some months of working here. For you though, you got this so easy and quick. I wish I had been trusted that much."

"Do you think I don't deserve this?"

"Well, I'm not the one to decide that. On the other hand, it's good though. Because somehow I want my opponent to be at the same level as me."

Yes, they were rivals. For some reason, Mark felt a sort of frustration. He reached for the Coke and took a long sip of the cold drink. Jinyoung watched this action of his brother in utter amazement.

"You've changed," Jinyoung remarked.


"I remember you would never share utensils with someone or drink something from the same can someone had. I'm sure you hated it. But you don't anymore?"

Mark looked at the drink in his hand and put it back down on the table. He knew what he had done. He was aware of it. No, he had not done it unconsciously. "I still do." Then he shifted his attention back to the files, showing no more desire for any conversation.

Jinyoung just shook his head. And grabbing his drink, he moved to one of the couches.

After showering, Jinyoung put on some comfortable clothes. He thought of lying down on the bed but then changed his mind. He went out of the room to find Mark busy packing in his room with the door open.

Mark did not seem to notice him. Jinyoung was hesitated, standing still in the hallway between the two rooms. At length, he continued to Mark's room and stopped in the doorway. Only then Mark looked up at him.

"Do you need help?" Jinyoung asked.

"No, it's almost done."

Mark continued packing and paused for a while, thinking of what other things he would need. He had sweat on his forehead and had not showered yet.

Jinyoung took a thorough glance around the room. It was not his first time being in Mark's room. But only now he could observe it clearly.

On one shelf against the wall, there were a bunch of framed photos - the photos taken when Mark had been in high-school, when he had won medals for sport competitions, when he had been in Los Angeles, when he had graduated, and a few photos of him and Wonsik.

On the dressing table, there were a few perfume bottles and skincare products. Most of the clothes hung in the closet were suits and long coats. There was also a small bookcase and as Jinyoung was looking at the books, one of them caught his attention.

"Can I see your books?" Jinyoung asked.

"Go ahead."

Jinyoung went to the bookcase and took out that particular book. He thought he had been mistaken but it was indeed the book he had given Mark on his ninth birthday. It was just a bedtime story book. When he and his father had gone shopping for birthday presents for Mark, he had chosen this book. Though he did not think Mark liked it very much when he received it.

"You still have this?" Jinyoung asked and Mark looked up at him and then at the story book.

"Yeah, why?"

"I thought you did not like it. But you still keep it." Jinyoung flipped through the pages and was reminded again of how much he had been in love with stories and fairy tales in his childhood. Especially ones with pictures. And this one also had them.

"I never said that. They were entertaining at times. Besides, I'm not someone who throws away gifts."

Jinyoung seated himself in the chair before the study table and started to read the very first story. How childish it seemed now to him. But it gave him the childhood joy again.

Mark shook his head looking at Jinyoung. But he still could not stifle a smile. He finished packing soon and even then Jinyoung was still there reading.

"I'm going to take a shower," Mark informed Jinyoung, who nodded.

Silence accompanied Jinyoung as he read and laughed at times. In his childhood world, these things he considered impossible or nonsense had been real. How innocent and oblivious a child was.

The bathroom door was clicked open and Jinyoung looked up to see Mark coming out half-naked with just a towel around his waist. This was such a sudden sight that Jinyoung quickly looked away. He felt he needed to leave immediately. He closed the book and returned it to the bookcase. He felt uneasy to look at Mark in the eyes and address him.

"I'm going," Jinyoung announced, his eyes moving between Mark's eyes and hair which he was drying with a towel.

"I thought you already left. Good night then."

Jinyoung nodded and turned to leave. But when he was in the doorway, he turned around to Mark, to say, "Good luck."

Mark was startled but he was in an instant composed again to reply, "Thanks."

Then Jinyoung was out of the room.

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