Chapter 16: The Deal Promising Paradise.

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Josh: No, Kallie! Don't do it!

Kallie: I have to, Josh! It's the only way to help you!

Before he could continue to protest, Kallie put her hands on Josh's body and began tickling him. He began laughing so hard tears fell from his eyes.

Josh: No! Stop! I can't breath! Please!

Kallie: If you're talking then you can breath!

Alana: Children! Come down, lunch is ready!

Kallie: Okay mom, we'll be right there! I'll race you there, Josh.

Josh: Okay!

They both jumped to their feet before bolting out his bedroom. Both Josh & Kallie were young, him being seven years old and her being nine. Through the entire race, Kallie was right on his heels. She was always faster than him but would always let him win. When they rounded the corner, Josh was immediately devoured in a hug by his mother and father.

Anthony: Woah, there! Slow down, boy!

Alana: You're running faster than normal today, little one. Are you excited for lunch?

All of them were smiling brightly. Josh loved seeing them all smiling, it brought joy to his heart. When they released him from their love-filled hug, he looked behind him to see Kallie standing there with a smile as well. Seeing her happy made him feel incredible. It always made his day when she just smiled.

Kallie: Why are you smiling so much, JJ?

Josh then wrapped his arms around her and held her close.

Josh: Just being here with all of you...

He then pulled Anthony & Alana into the hug while keeping an arm around Kallie. The bright, joyful smile on his face was warm enough to melt even the coldest of hearts.

Josh: It makes me so happy!

They returned his gesture and stayed like that for what felt like hours. He ran toward his lunch when they released each other. Kallie quickly joined him and sat so close to him that they were touching shoulders. They were pretty much always this close to each other and they loved it. As they ate their food, Kallie struck you a conversation.

Kallie: So JJ, how are you feeling?

Josh: I'm feeling amazing with you, KK.

Kallie: I am with you too, JJ.

She gave him a quick kiss on the forehead before changing the subject to something that was always entertaining. A devilish big sister smirk replaced her loving smile.

Kallie: So, Josh.

Josh: Yeah, KK?

Kallie: Who would win in a fight: Superman or Batman?

Josh: Batman, of course!

Kallie: I say Superman would win.

Josh: What?! Batman can beat Superman easily!

Kallie: Why is that? He's human and Superman is a super powered alien.

Josh jumped back and had the goofy smile that always made her giggle. What he did afterward just made her break out in laughter. He began acting out everything he listed as an example, pretending to have a cape, throw bat-a-rangs, fighting, and looking scary.

Josh: Batman is the best hero of all time! He can throw bat-a-rangs with amazing accuracy! He can fight, like, a hundred people at one time! And he has a black cape and mask that scares away most bad guys because he's super cool! Superman just takes off his glasses and is all like, "I got this," and takes out an army with just his laser eyes. The best part about Batman is that someone could actually be him in real life! But what are the odds of someone whose not human being as strong as Superman? I mean, come on.

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