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"Bro!" A blonde man rushes up to Akira. He slings his arm around the raven's shoulder and pulls him into a hug.

"It's been so long dude! Wink wink, nudge nudge!"

The blonde is very bad at lying.

A black and white cat jumps onto Akira's shoulder, sassy. A lighter blonde comes up behind the darker blonde and smacks his head.

"Hey," she says. "At least be a good liar!"

"Yeah, Ryuji! At least be a good liar!" The cat mimics.
Ryuji scoffs. "Aw, shaddup Morgana! Like Ann's any better at it than I am! Her acting's terrible!" Ann gasps and turns away, not talking to Ryuji.

"Anyway, are you ready to kick some ass!?" He asks excitedly. Ann smacks his head again.

"We're not "kicking some ass", Ryuji! We're saving Kitagawa!"

Ann and Ryuji turn to the raven with a smile. The three of them in unison asked:

"You ready, Leader?"

Akira awoke from his nap, bonking his head against Futaba's face. "Ow! Akiraaaaa!!!"

He gets up groggily, rubbing his eyes and finding his glasses. "Sorry...sorry..." Putting on his glasses, he looks up at Futaba, who's holding a black and white cat. "Meow"

Futaba, with a giggle, places the cat by Akira. "...He looks like the cat in my dream." Futaba gasps and plops next to Akira.

"Really?!? 'Cause same! I saw a black and white kitty in my dream too! He said his name was Morgana!" Futaba grabs onto Morgana's cheeks and messes with them like an old grandma would.

Morgana meows angrily, almost hissing at Futaba. Akira giggles and then picks Morgana up, admiring him. "I don't think Morgana is gonna be aloud in the shop, Futaba."
"Aw c'mon! Why not?!?" Akira smiles and places Morgana into Futaba's tiny backpack. "How about you take him out?"

     Futaba gasps as he eyes light up, hurriedly grabbing her tiny pack. "Hahahaha! My girlfriend will love him!!" She runs out of the attic and outside giggling all the way out of sight. Akira gives a remorseful smile and stands up, getting ready for the day.


     "Hey, Yusuke,"

     "Hello there, Akira."

They work in silence before Akira looks up in surprise. "Wait, YUSUKE?!? You're back!" Akira hugs Yusuke as the artist cringes.

"Ah! Would you stop that?!?" Yusuke cries, prying Akira off of him. "I am here for the sole purpose of my Sensei. He wants me to get the coffee aura back into my paintings. I am not here to socialize!"
     "But...coffee shops are for—"

     Suddenly the bell to the shop rings and Madarame steps into the shop, letting the smell of coffee engulf his entity. "Ah," he gruffs calmly. "Yusuke, I see you're doing what I asked," his smile felt like a sting to Akira, but it was like any other sweet smile to everyone else. Akira gives Madarame a glare and steps closer to Yusuke.

"Y-yes, Sensei..." A layer of disappointment skims the eyes of Yusuke as he nods his head. Madarame nods back and steps outside, a wail of fan-screaming and asking for autographs.

"...I don't like your Sensei." Akira murmurs, receiving a glare from Yusuke. "You don't have to like him," Yusuke spat. "But I do. I owe him my life," Yusuke turns away from Akira and begins prepping the materials for the day.


"Hello!" A girl calls out to the baristas. Akira snaps his neck up to see a blonde woman with another blonde boy. He stares in shock and awe. These are the people from my dream...

The boy has a tank-top with a track jacket and sports pants. The girl has a flashier tank-top and a sweatshirt tied around her waist. She wears a nice skirt and a necklace, too.

"Hey, you're that guy that went to my high school," Ann pointed out. "You sat behind me, didn't you?" Akira slowly nodded his head, still in shock at how realistic is dream looked last night.

"C'mon Ann. We're gonna be late, I got some track members that need my help 'n stuff," Ann gives Ryuji a pouty glare and sighs. "I'm sorry for having a happy reunion with high school buddies, Ryuji!" The two of the start talking back and forth.

"Just fucking order already," Yusuke mumbles angrily. Akira gives a worried glance at Yusuke's irritable posture and tries to help. "U-uhm, it's great to see you again Ann, but—"
"Oh! You still remember my name!!"

Well fuck.

"W-well, of course! You did sit in front of me back in school...haha..." Ann smiles and tells Ryuji to order something for the two of them. Ryuji grumpily complies, mumbling something about "bein' friends with the guy, too".

Ryuji goes over to order from Yusuke as Ann turns back to Akira.

"Ugh, I remember how we met. Don't you?"

A small wave of nostalgia washes over Akira and he answers without thinking:

"Fucking Kamoshida."

They stay in silence for a second before both burst out laughing. "God, I remember that d-bag, didn't he...like..."
"Harass me and the volleyball members? Yeah. I'm glad we got him expelled," she grumbles. Ann holds up her hand for a high-five and she gets one. "Oh right! I...well...There's two things I want to say to you,"

Ann sighs. "I'm so sorry, but...what's your name again...?" Akira laughs a little and smiles. "Kurusu Akira," he happily responds. "You can call me by my first name, though. I'd say we know each other well enough," Ann smiles and quickly fumbles with her sweatshirt pockets, bringing out a card.

     "Here," she says gleefully. "It's my business card, just shoot me a text telling me who you are and I'll be able to put you in my contacts! Can't wait to see you!"

     Ryuji walks up to her, a frappe and a soda in his hands. "Alright! I'm gonna get to my team and bust loose!" They walk out with smiles and laughter.

     Akira looks over at Yusuke. He's banging his head lightly on the table.

     "Hey, Yusuke?" Yusuke looks up, tears staining his eyes. He sighs deeply, looking up. "..." He runs to Akira and hugs him tightly, tighter than anything Akira's been around him (including a binder). Akira hugs him back almost as tight. "What's wrong, Yusuke?"

     Yusuke lets go and rubs his eyes and walks out of the shop. He walks back in again after a few seconds and hugs Akira. "I turned the sign around to closed... I need to talk to you." Yusuke stared stared straight into Akira's soul and held his hand. "Please,"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2020 ⏰

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