announcement ;)

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I have unpublished the worst imagines, and I will be publishing the same part but with a different imagine, I'll put something in the title so you know it's new and updated. I will probably put this (🍓)

I'll try my best to revive this book because I know I haven't updated in the longest time, I'll be back with better imagines! I'll only be saving the ones I think are decent, I haven't unpublished all of the ones I don't like but I will in the future! I'm doing this because I got really self conscious of how bad my imagines were compared to other people I truly didn't know what I was doing but I'll try again lol.

if you read all of that pat yourself in the back yOu deSerVe It 😂, for your troubles have a cute picture of Jisoo turtle rabbit Kim in the media (iK tHat JoKe iS OLd lEaVe mE aLoNe)

I'm currently working on a Jennie imagine btw, so please look forward to that!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2020 ⏰

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