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*Five Years Later*

Sophia's P.O.V

My life as changed for the better since having the twins. They are now five years old and Sam is seven. I dropped Sam, Eli, and Angel off at school.

"Bye mommy, Love you!" They all three screamed, making me smile. It was their first day. Tears filled my eyes, my babies were growing up so fast. Driving back home, I reminised on what has happened over the last five years. Sam found a wonderful girl named Lilia and they got married last year. I was so happy for him, he served his last term and is now working in construction. Ben is still living his dream with his best friends. Everyday my love grows stronger for him. Mr. and Mrs. C have always been there for us no matter what. They are a great support system. Everyday I miss my mom, but I see her in Angel. My father died of a stroke awhile back, but I do not miss him.

In the living room, I was watching The Vampire Diaries, when hands covered my eyes.

"Ben, I know its you. "I giggled, he did this everytime he came home. He jumped over the side of the couch and pulled me in to him

"Happy Anniversary Baby." I smiled and kissed him, he laid me down on the couch and kissed me roughly. I moaned and ran my hands through his hair.

"Mhm. The best seven years of my life. "He smiled and kissed my nose, tears filled my eyes.

" I want to thank you for everything you have done for me. You saved me. I am so thankful that you stood up for me that day in the hall. Taking me in, when no one else would. For being there, when I went through many accidents and failures in my life. Everytime I looked back you were there. Holding me, supporting me, and loving me through everything and anything. I did not have a family, but you gave me a family of my own. You are the most incredible man I will ever know. You are selfless, you put your family first and I admire you. I watch you flourish everyday and I am so proud of you. I am so happy you are my husband. I cant wait for many more years with you. To watch our children grow, to watch them start their own families, and to watch you with our grandbabies. If I would have not met you in those halls, I would not be here. So thank you for being a wonderful husband, father, son, and friend. I have been through hell and back, but I would not have it any other way. If I would wish for something to have happened differently, then I would not have my amazing family and life now. I would go back in time the year I lost my mother, living with my father, losing a baby, terrible relationships, and almost dying. I would go through all of that again because going through all of that crap got me to where I am today, a mom, a wife, a daughter in law, and a sister.   " Tears ran down my face, I shook my head and wipped my tears.

"I don't like when you talk about not being here. Everyday I think about that day in the hall. That day I almost walked away becasue back then I was a scared kid, not like I am now. Something inside of me told me to help you, and I am so glad I did. Sophia you are the love of my life. I know I was an idiot for not telling you, but I just didn't want to ruin our friendship. The day I told you I loved you was one of the best days of my life. The first was when you said yes to being my girlfriend, the second you telling me you loved me, third you being pregnant the first and second time, and the fourth you saying 'I Do' at the alter, making you my wife. My life revolves around you and our kids. I would not have it any other way. Thank you for always standing by my side. You gave me three beautiful children and I hope they grow up to have your heart and strength. You are the best mommy and wife. I can't wait for many more years with you baby. Forever I will Always love you Sophia Cambell."  He spoke, making me cry even more. He even got choked up a bit.

"Say it again" I smiled through my tears. He cupped my cheeks and stared into my eyes.

"Forever I will Always Love You and Stand By You." He whispered, capturing his lips with mine. I finally got the love of my life, my family, and my happily ever after.

This is the end of Sophia and Ben ); I have loved writing their love story. They were my first character, and first book. Thank you for all who voted and read the books ! I sad that this it, but everything must come to an end. I will always and forever love this book (; 

One last time for this book, please







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