Chapter 2: You've met the devil

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He caught the ball effortlessly and turned to face the game. Glancing to look at me one more time, he started playing. 3 minutes passed and I looked at his final score: 394. I merely rolled my eyes as I shrugged and he passed me the ball. 

Watch and weep. 

My concentration was fixated on nothing but the game at that point. Every shot I threw, every ball went in. The game went so fast I didn't bother to look at my score. When the game ended I checked the scoreboard and smirked. 732. I turned to face him. His face was all white and his eyes kept checking the score. 

"What–?" he asked and I scoffed, "How..."

"What can I say? I've got skills," I shrugged and held out my hand, palm up, "Pay up."

"Here," he grumbled, taking 15 dollars out of his wallet as he held them out to me, "You won fair. And for that, you've earned my respect." He smiled and for once I got a warm feeling. 

Cocking my head to the side, I shook my head, "Nah. Keep it. Your respect is good enough for me." The blonde didn't move for a moment. He only grinned at me as he kept his money into his wallet. We stayed there for a moment, not saying anything and soaking up in each other's awkwardness.

"What's your number?" he suddenly asked, breaking the silence.

I raised an eyebrow, "Why would I want to give my number to you? I don't even know you."

He sighed, "It's Tyler. Can I have your number now?"

I didnt say anything for a moment. He just- told me his name? Why would anyone be so quick to give me his information. It's like the first rule of meeting strangers. Dont give a person you just met information that can be used against you. I mentally rolled my eyes for like the tenth time today.

I groaned, "Fine." His eyes lit up. Like a five year old's when they see candy, "It's 6-6.."

"Yeah?" he typed the numbers into his phone and I smirked.

"6…" I paused for a moment.

"Then?" he asked, looking at me again.

I shrugged, "Nothing. That's all." I started to laugh as he checked the numbers on his phone. Like I was ever going to give a stranger my number. He only gave me the 'seriously' look. Trying to control my laughter, I took his hand and shook it. 

"Congratulations, you've met the devil," I stifled a laugh. 

He rolled his eyes and I started walking away. I felt his strong hand grip my wrist as he turned me around to face him again. When I was young I have been trai- I mean taught, to hit anyone that made me feel threatened. But I couldn't hit him, sadly.

"You said you would give me your number," he looked at me again as I slowly pried his fingers off my hand. 

"Okay okay," I took a step back from him, hands up as if to surrender, "Remember when I said I'd give you my number?"

"Yeah?" he asked, an eyebrow raised.

"Well… I lied," I scoffed, "I don't give my number to people I'm not familiar with. That's just how it is."

I felt a buzzing sound come from my pocket and took out my phone. Camile.

"But why would you–" I silenced him and picked up my phone.

"Is this really more important?" he asked and I silenced him again.

"Yes," I whispered to him before picking up the call, "Hey sis." he tried to speak again but I pressed my hand over his mouth. That ought to shut him up. 

"Breanne! Where the heck are you?!" Camile screamed through the phone and I jumped, releasing his mouth from my grip.

"Breanne," Tyler said, "What a nice name–"

I covered his mouth again. "Shut up." I screamed-whispered to him and I could feel him smirk under my hand. 

"Is that a boy?" I froze and Tyler snorted. I bit my lip, "What? No! I uh. I can't hear you very well so I guess I'll just meet you at the store in 5 minutes?" 

"Um...sure?" Camile said through the phone.

"Kay thanks bye!" I quickly ended the call. I released my grip on his mouth and buried my face in my hands.

Great. Just great. 

I glared at Tyler who looked at me like he was innocent. Narrowing my eyes on him, I walked away. And this time he didn't stop me. He better not have, if he did, would no longer have an arm. I groaned in frustration as I walked back to the store.


"Bree, where were you?" Camile asked when I arrived, "And were you with a boy?" 

"Let's just get to the car," I mumbled, taking one of her shopping bags.

"Our first day here and you're already flirting with guys," Camile teased and I rolled my eyes. That guy, I mean Tyler, he was just like any other guy. Annoying as hell and his ego, the size of a planet.

By the time we pulled up at our house, the sun had already started to set.and the sun had already set. I didn't really listen to whatever Camile said on the way back. All I cared about was going to my room and watching Netflix till I fell asleep. Nothing mattered more. As soon as I opened the door, I walked straight up to my room. 

"Oh, Bree, I almost forgot," I snapped out of my thoughts as Camile stopped and looked into one of her shopping bags. She pulled out a few mini skirts and off-shoulder shirts, I raised an eyebrow as she handed me the clothes that I would never even consider wearing. 

"I bought these for you. It's for school tomorrow," she said and I continued walking up. She can keep that. 

 "With your allowance." she added.

I stopped dead in my tracks. I walked towards her and snatched the clothes, "How?"

"You left some of your allowance on the counter," she shrugged and I felt my eye twitch. Curse my forgetful self, "You owe me."

Glaring at her, I walked up to my room. After changing into my pajamas, I let myself fall onto the bed–face first. I may sound like some five year old but I don't want to go to school. I don't need school. I learnt all I have to know years ago. But at this moment I have to lay low, I groaned as I sat up, and that means going to school like a regular person. I reached for my laptop and logged onto Netflix. 

Sorry this chapter was quite lame. Any thoughts on how this story might go?

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