Sliding In The DM's

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Lauren was trying on her outfits she bought from the Marathon store. The sweat pants were very comfortable and fit her perfectly. She knew this was not going to be the last time she went to the Marathon Store. She Kam a couple of shirts, shorts and sweatpants. She also bought some hoodies, one thing Lauren loves about herself is her style. She thought about becoming a fashion designer, but acting was the best fit for her. She knew someday she would have her own clothing line.

Lauren took a couple of pictures in the mirror and posted them on her Instagram: " Thank you for the dope clothes @Nipseyhussle"

And just like that the comments were going crazy. People were already accusing her of dating someone just met, this was the reason she kept her life so private, she told herself. She wanted to disable the comments, but doing that will make people think it is true. However, there were some positive comments. People were telling her she looked beautiful and how the colors stand out on her. Lauren always surrounded herself around positivity and people who were real. It was one of the reasons she stopped being friends with Khole Kardashian. Khole began to show signs of fakeness, of how she would treat the people around her. She saw how Khole messed around with some of close friends ex's, Trina, her own sister and what drew the line was when Khole was caught making out with Trey Songs. Although her and Trey talked, there was never a relationship between them. Many people assumed because of interviews, but Lauren lost entrance in Trey. Lauren followed girl code to never date a friend ex or someone they had feelings for. Khole did what Lauren was against. After that she never spoke or saw Khole, she would see her at Malika events sometimes, but never spoke to her. She always kept her distance.

As Lauren was scrolling down her Instagram page she got a message from Nipsey.

"Wat up"

" Hey, how are you"

" Workin on some new music in the studio, wat you been up to"

" just preparing myself before I start filming, are you still going to the movie premiere"

" Yeah, you still want to come with me"

" Yeah, my son going to visit his father, so I'm free"

" Alright, it starts at 7, I'm goin to pick you up around 6"

" Sounds good, are you working on your album"

" nah, I decided to put out another project before my album, certain songs I don't want to put on it"

Lauren and Nipsey texted each other for two hours, they exchanged numbers and talked on the phone for the reminder of the night. They talked about where they grew up and how their lives changed. They discovered they actually had a lot in common. They laughed and had deep conversations, this was the longest call they both have ever had. Lauren's feelings began to grow deeper, just to listen to his voice. How he is passionate about everything, especially ownership.

" well it is amazing talking to you"

" You too, you sound tired, so I'm goin let you get some rest"

" Alright, talk to you soon"

" Alright, good night"

" Good night"

Lauren laid in her bed thinking about the amazing conversation she and Nipsey had. She didn't want to hang up not one time, but needed to get Kameron ready in the morning. She wondered if there was a relationship, what it led to. She didn't want to rush into anything so soon. Her phone began to lose battery, so she put it on the charger. After that she went to got check on Kameron.

" Hey sweetie, nice picture"

" Thank you mommy, my yellow crayon broke"

" Well I will buy some more, are you ready to go with your dad"

" Yes, are you coming too"

" No mommy have to go somewhere, but when you come back we will spend a whole day together"

" Okay, look what I drew"

" Wow nice, can you tell me what it is"

" It's you mommy"

" aww thank you, I hang it up on the refrigerator"

" Yayyy"

" Well it's almost time for bed, come on let's get ready"

" Okay"

Lauren read Kameron one of his favorite books, he went to sleep after a couple of chapters.

" Good night baby boy" said Lauren as she kissed Kameron on his forehead.

Lauren laid down in bed, she began to think about Nipsey. She never had this feeling about anyone she met, normally guys would only want her because of her looks. But Nipsey proved her different. At least she hoped. She did not want to bring a guy around her son, if the relationship is not going to last. She always wanted to be with someone forever, although she did not force anything with her past relationships.

"Daddy look" Emani ran to her father crying

"What's wrong moni"

"I cut my finger with the paper, it really hurts"

"Let me see" Nipsey took Emani to the bathroom, he grabbed the first aid kick. He washed Emani finger and put a band aid on it

" Feel better"

" Yes, thank you daddy"

" No problem, why you not sleep, it's past your bedtime"

" I was coloring, I'm not tired"

" Well you got school tomorrow, so go to bed"

" Can you read me a story, pleaseeee"

" Yeah, come on"

Nipsey read Emani her favorite story, she fell asleep midway through the chapter. Emani changed his life forever, it was one of the reasons he changed. Nipsey grew up with a father who was always in his life, his father took him to visit Eritrea. That is where his father is from, his father made sure he kept him and his brother connected to Africa. So they spent a couple of weeks in Eritrea. He met his grandmother and explored the country. It changed the way he viewed the world, it is what led him to keep Eritrea so close to him. He also wanted Emani to know where she came from. His mother always told him about Africa and made sure both of her sons knew where they really came from. But Nipsey knew Eritrea does not fully represent him, he grew up in Crenshaw. A place he called home, he joined his gang the Rollin 60s. He learned more on the streets than in school. Which is one of the reasons he left high school, he felt that he did not need high school. Although, he wants Emani to make better choices than he did in the past. The world has changed in many ways, education is the only way to having a successful life. He made sure he kept himself educated by constantly reading books and buying books for Emani. Reading is what led him to sell his mixtapes for one-hundred dollars. People were amazed because he is the first rapper to ever do something like that. He made over one hundred thousands dollars. Jay Z even bought a hundred copies to support him. Nipsey knew how to manage business and how to keep money flowing, he made a name for himself. He declined some record label offers because he wanted ownership. Nipsey had so much on his mind, he laid down in bed. He had a long day tomorrow, so much work has to be down with his upcoming projects and the Marathon Store.

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