chapter 7

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Bakugo started running looking for any signs of Todoroki. He can hear someone whimpering behind inside the toilet stall. Bakugo entered the restroom and knock at the stall "Hey Todoroki I know Its you, can you please open the door?"

Todoroki stayed silent and wished Bakugo will just ignore him and go away.

Bakugo keeps on knocking and it annoyed Todoroki so he went out of the stall "What the fuck do you want?

Todoroki looked at Bakugo with annoyance and still hope that he will just leave him alone.

Bakugo sighed " Look, im sorry I am really sorry. I put pressure on you"

Todoroki is trying to fight back the urge to cry but the tears suddenly falls. "You always says sorry but I dont think you actually mean it"

"You.. I WANT TO HATE YOU BUT I CANT OKAY? I-I" bakugo wrapped his arms around his shoulders and pulled him close. Despite the heaviness in his stomach, it fluttered at the feeling of bakugo's body pressed against his.

The time feels frozen. He doesn't want Bakugo's hug but also not wanting to let go of his hug. "Im so sorry, please forgive me" Bakugo cupped the boy's face and smiled

His mind is telling him not to fall for the words that Bakugo is saying but his heart forgives him.

"Okay stop, fine I forgive you but ill never talk to you anymore" He doesn't want to feel pain anymore. He wants everything to end. Todoroki removed Bakugo's hands and turned back

Bakugo's eyes widened. He hugged Todoroki's back and teared up. "Why? Come on tell me why?"

Todoroki is trying to remove bakugo's arms but he doesn't have powers to do it. "Hey stop, STOP DOING THIS"

Bakugo closed his eyes and wouldn't let go. Todoroki sighed and pushed Bakugo but the bakugo suddenly grabbed his arms. He really doesn't want to let go of the boy

A loud bang at the door can be heard "TODOROKI ARE YOU THERE IS SOMEONE HURTING YOU?" Midoriya quickly opened the door.

He looked at them. His eyes narrowed as He walks fast and punched Bakugo "YOU MOTHERFUCKER DONT YOU FUCKING DARE TOUCH MY TODOROKI AGAIN"

Bakugo smirked "As if Todoroki was yours at the first place place" He knew Midoriya will do something like that but not at the extent that he will punched him.

He realized before that Midoriya is overprotective when it comes to Todoroki. Everytime Bakugo talks to him he looks really pissed.

"Hey Nerdy you know that that guy behind you REJECTED YOU a lot of times and he was never yours, he isnt a thing to be owned" Bakugo stand up and wiped the blood on his nose

Midoriya is really pissed and punched Bakugo. Bakugo hits back, they both fought infront of Todoroki

"Bakugo stop being a fucking bitch. How about you fuck off and never come back" Bakugo wiped the blood on his mouth

"You sound like a baby Deku, just grow up, he never liked you stop forcing people's feelings" Bakugo looked at Midoriya smiling

"Now you're talking about feelings when youre the one who ruined my fucking childhood" Midoriya throws a punch.
(Lets just say they forgot they have quirks)

Todoroki is telling them to stop but they wouldn't listen. Gladly Kirishima also went inside the Toilet and saw the guys fighting.
He grabbed Bakugo's arms and pull him away.

Midoriya stopped and looked at Todoroki "im going to protect you Todoroki I promise, you are going to move on with me right?"

Todoroki slapped Midoriya "Dude can you hear yourself?" He looked at Bakugo and rolled his eyes " Im sorry Midoriya umhh.. Lets go"

He slapped Midoriya so he comes back to his senses but he doesnt want to hurt him. Both the boys went outside and leave

"Bro im going to drive you home okay?" Kirishima put his arms around Bakugo and theh bot started walking towards his car.

"Hey... Umh I guess thats it, Ill just give up on him" He looked outside the window and smiled

Kirishima can see Bakugo's reflection on the window " But bro dont just give up like that its-" Kirishima stopped talking and look at Bakugo sleeping

"This dude is fucking retarded" Kirishima whispered and started driving (damn Kirishima snapped)

Midoriya asked todoroki "why did you slapped me?"

Todoroki looked at the other boy "bro you just said that I am yours, Like Bakugo said I aint a fucking thing"

Midoriya looked down " Im sorry, I'm just so angry "

Todoroki looked at midoriya "its okay... Anyways I forgive Bakugo now but I told him that im not going to talk to him anymore"

Midoriya hid his frown and just walks. He wants Todoroki to have revenge against Bakugo but he was too late cuz Todoroki already forgave Bakugo.

Todoroki is thinking about what Bakugo just said " He isnt a thing to be owned"

He was thinking about to the point that he kinda regretted that he said hes not going to talk to him anymore.

But already promised to himself that he is going to stop.

Word count: 855

Omfg this kinda blew up

Enjoy ❤

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