Open House

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A week later and Teddy was pretending as if he knew nothing about Tate's past or his death at the behest of Constance who had gave him a final plea - and warning - to keep his mouth shut. Teddy played along not wanting to feel the older woman's vengeance; he had enough going on in his life to deal with Constance's drama.

His mother had finally gotten two possible offers to sell their house and one of them was a definite possibility, she had told him during lunch as she ate some raw looking meat that made Teddy's gut churn in disgust. A wealthy Persian man and another man with burn scars on the side of his face.

Something about the last man made Teddy furrow his brows in thought as he wondered why that sounded so familiar, but he shrugged it off and left it alone his thoughts on other things.

Teddy still hadn't told Tate about the move yet as he feared the other boy's response. He didn't think Tate would go ballistic or try to hurt him, but he knew the blonde might do something to stop him from leaving the house. And it just hadn't come up in conversation yet as the two slowly tried to rebuild their relationship for the past week.

After their confessions of love, Tate and Teddy were now officially boyfriends and dating. Teddy felt delighted by the conformation from the blonde but he also felt slightly uncertain of it. He couldn't explain why exactly, but it felt like there was something more that Teddy wasn't understanding.

But Teddy did what he did best and shrugged it off and moved on with his life.

His family had finally exploded and was left in shambles as his parents had announced their separation and possible divorce at dinner awhile ago. He understood why and supported his mother when he found out what had happened in Boston - when Ben had supposedly been there to help an old patient out.

The night of the break in his dad had been in Boston with Hayden, the woman Ben had an affair with, and they were at an abortion clinic because Ben had lied again to his wife again and had cheated on her with Hayden a few months before they had moved.

Teddy had been beyond pissed and enraged on his mother's behalf - again. The news hadn't been as shocking as the first time Teddy had found out about his father's affair, but it still hurt. Teddy and Ben had finally started to bond and be a father and son like they had been before Boston, before Hayden and before Tate.

Now Teddy was ignoring his father and pretending he didn't hear the man when he came over for his appointments in his office, and giving him stony looks and silence. Ben had looked upset at this and their moment in his father's office had been shoved to the back of Teddy's mind in favor of focusing on Tate.

"My family's planning a dinner tonight." Teddy told him over the soft thrum of music as he looked though his sketchbook. The blonde was sitting on the edge of his bed and reading a book of poems that Teddy had stolen from Violet's bookshelf. Tate had just grinned and took the book from him before plopping down on his bed.

"Tate?" Teddy asked when the blonde said nothing.

"Do you believe in ghosts?" Tate asked out of the blue and making him startle at the unexpected question.

DOLLHOUSE (OMC X Tate Langdon)Where stories live. Discover now