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"Uma.." I called.

She appeared in front of me and crossed her arms.

"What side are you on?" She asked.

"I don't know at this point." I admitted, "Just please. Your my best friend. And I will convince them to keep you here. And to get harry and gil here too. Please come back with me."

Your POV

"Promise?" Uma hesitated.

I held out my pinky with a grin, "Best friend pinky promise. A promise that has to stay true with us."

She looked at my pinky and smiled sadly.

"Im sorry. But I need to return back somehow. When I return though." She smiled at me.

I nodded, "Okay."

We hugged and she swam away. Leaving me by the boat.

I sighed and floated to the top. Getting rid of my gills and night vision. I looked up.

"I need help back up!" I shouted.

A latter was thrown down and I climbed back up. Evie engulfed me in a hug and so did everyone else but Carlos. They all had tears in their eyes and red eyes.

"Who died?" I joked.

Carlos hugged me once everyone gave space and I hesitated.

"Im soaking Carlos." I stated.

"I don't care." He mumbled

"Im also basically naked." I admitted and he kept hugging me.

"You could of died. I wouldn't live with myself if you did." Carlos mumbled in my ear.

"I didn't though. I survived." I laughed lightly and hugged him back.

Evie stood near me with my dress as I managed to get out of the hug and slip it on. Back to my human form.

Mal poofed into a better dress and hairstyle and everyone applauded. Ben and Mal kissed again and I turned away. Carlos was watching me and I poked his nose.

Evie suggested bringing some people to Auradon and ben agreed.

Mal gave the book to godmother and we all cheered for them.

Carlos and I danced along with others. He went to the edge with Evie and we all looked out. We all look at the isle and danced together. I splashed Carlos and giggled.

He lifted me up and spun me. I was set down and he smiled at me.

I stood on the side and saw everyone soaking. Carlos came up and splashed me as I laughed. We all splashed Ben and Mal. Carlos did a solo dance and I danced with Evie for a bit.

Carlos took my hand and pulled me aside to the edge of the boat.

"So what do you think about being my girlfriend?" He asked nervously.

I smiled, "I will be honored to be your girlfriend."

He smiled and put a hand on my face, and leaned in and kissed me sweetly.

I smiled and we stood there, kissing.

I pulled back and moved his wet hair from his face. Laughing at his expression.

"You don't know how long I've been waiting to do that." Carlos admitted.

After a moment of silence, I spoke up.

"Thank you Carlos." I smiled.

"For what?" He asked, confused.

"Bringing out the good in me. Thanks for that." I stated.

He put his hands on my shoulders and smiled, "Its never a problem."

'This is a great moment that I hope to never forget.'

End of Movie 2

Words: 531


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