Spencer sick

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All credits go to SolarMorrigan

Disclaimer: I do not own Criminal Minds or anything else copyrighted, for that matter.

The first things Jennifer Jareau saw when she awoke were the glowing, green numbers of the digital clock on her nightstand. They read 5:30. It was half an hour before Spencer Reid, her lover and housemate, usually got up and another hour and half before she, herself, even considered rising on a day off. So she wondered why she was awake. Then, it became painfully clear what had woken her up.

Reid was coughing. Hard. So hard, in fact, that the bed was shaking as he attempted to clear his airway. So hard that it made JJ's chest hurt just to listen to him. She was surprised; he'd had the beginnings of a cold yesterday, but she didn't imagine it would have progressed so quickly. She listened to her lover's labored breathing for a moment before she rolled over and looked at him in the pale dawn light which, in turn, made him look pale. Paler than usual, at least. Turning on her bedside lamp, she realized that he was still asleep, if not fitfully so. "Spence," She said quietly, gently shaking Reid into wakefulness. "C'mon, wake up."He woke with little resistance and promptly sat up and sneezed, luckily managing to turn his head away from JJ, and went into another bout of coughing. "This is some cold you've got, Spence." JJ said after Reid had quieted.

Reid simply nodded and leaned back against his pillows, shutting his eyes. "Are you okay?" JJ ventured, pushing his hair back off his forehead.

The ailing genius cleared his throat and spoke without opening his eyes. "I seem to be experiencing slight difficulty breathing." He mumbled, and then took a deep breath as if to illustrate his point.

Sure enough, JJ could hear the wheeze that seemed to have worked itself up overnight. She frowned, thinking back to the scare Reid had given everyone when he'd contracted anthrax. Upon Reid's release from the hospital, the doctor had warned them that the infection could weaken his respiratory system and that future infections could be an issue. "How much is a "slight difficulty"?" She asked, still having yet to remove her hand from her lover's forehead. I'm not gasping for air and..." He began to sit up and put a hand out to grab JJ's as she pulled it away and used to steady himself as he swayed even in his sitting position.

"You're dizzy." JJ said matter-of-factly when he paused to gather his bearings.

"And," Reid continued as though JJ hadn't spoken. "I'm not going to the hospital, if that's what you're going to suggest."

JJ sighed but allowed Reid to release her hand when the dizziness seemed to subside. "After the anthrax, the doctor said..." She began.

"I'm well aware of the doctor's warnings. But this is just a cold. I'll be fine." Reid cut her off, obviously in no mood to argue.

JJ, on the other hand, was in no mood to be talked down. "If your breathing doesn't improve by this afternoon, we're going to the emergency room."

"I hardly think..." Reid started, but this time JJ cut him off.

"No arguments. If it doesn't get better by noon, we're going. If you last that long." The liaison added, frowning as Reid took another rattling breath.

"You're confidence in me is greatly appreciated." The male agent sent a sideways glare at her.

Ignoring the look she got, JJ gave him a crooked grin. "You should just thank your lucky stars today is Saturday and we shouldn't have to worry about work."

"That's not lucky. Yesterday was Friday, Saturday generally follows suit." Reid frowned. "Luck has absolutely nothing to do with the order of the days of the week."

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