After a long day of classes, Yoongi was walking back home. He would have preferred to take the bus, but he didn't have any money with him, and he didn't even know where the bus stop was. He had only been living in the town for two days, and this was the first time he went ot of the house.

He kicked a little rock that was on his way. He was really tired, the only thing he  wanted right now was to take a really long nap. People had been looking and talking about him all day, they probably thought he was weird. Not that they are wrong, his dad would say if he tried to talk about it with him.

He looked around him, confused. He had just walked by a park, he didn't remember walking by at the morning, when he headed to school. Maybe I did, he though, and I can't remember because I was sleepy. He didn't want to admit that he was lost, but he had to when he saw the bus stop ahead him. At least now he knew where it was.

He walked back to the park, and sat on the grass next to the swings. Maybe if he stayed there, his dad would eventually notice he wasn't home and he would look for him. He won't, he said to himself, and if he does, he'll be mad. He told you to be home early.

He took his cellphone out, thinking he could search where he was, but he didn't had internet, so he put it back in his pocket. He rested his head in between his knees, trying to decide what to do next. He could keep walking without knowing where he was going, and maybe he would find his house. Or he would end up even more lost.

"Are you ok?" The sudden voice startled him, making him jump a little. In front of him there was standing a young black haired male. 

Yoongi recognized  him from school, it was the guy that had caught him staring at him after lunch. He couldn't help it, there was something different about him. While everyone else had looked at him like he was weird and something to have fun with, the raven boy had looked him like he wanted to know him. He probably was wrong, but that didn't take away his curiosity. 

"I'm ok". He answered, looking to the ground.

"You don't look like you're ok". The boy sat down next to Yoongi, putting his backpack on the grass beside him. "Why are you here?"

Yoongi blushed. He didn't want to tell anyone he got lost, that would hurt his pride. Besides, he wasn't a kid, he could find his way out of this situation by himself.

"It's nothing".

"You won't tell me?" The blond male shook his head no. "Why?"

"My mom taught me not to talk with strangers". That was a lie, his mom hadn't taught him anything besides how to leave a place.

"You're Yoongi, right?" He nodded hesitantly. "Well, my name's Hoseok, but everyone calls me Hobi. We both are in the same class in the same school". 

"I know that we're in the same class, why are you telling me this?"

"You know my name and I know yours, and we have seen each other before. We're not strangers".

Yoongi opened his mouth, but he didn't find anything to say, so he closed it again.

"Now you'll tell me what's wrong?"

"I got lost". He mumbled, blushing even more and playing with his fingers.

"I didn't hear you, what did yo say?" Hobi was smiling, and Yoongi was sure now he was just messing with him.

"I got fucking lost!"He stand up abruptly, making the other boy jump a little. "Now leave me alone. You can go and make fun of someone else."

He started walking, trying to remember the way to his house. It had been an hour since school had ended, and it was impossible his dad didn't notice he was late.

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