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"good morning my love."

that was the first thing ten was woken up with. johnny placed a chaste kiss on his forehead before wrapping his arms around him. ten fell into the familiar embrace with a lazy smile.

"morning. where's my baby?"

"wow don't even ask about me first." johnny scoffed before receiving a slap on the chest.

"my baby will always come first and don't ever forget that."

"i don't think she has woken up yet."

ten frowned before he heard a tiny squeal in the room. the two looked at each other with a shocked face before peeking over the fluffy cover to see their princess.

"well good morning to you too my angel." ten picked her up and gave her the tightest hug. johnny just watched with a smile as his daughter giggled. he was happy with his decision...for once he was truly happy. ten brought the tall male into the hug.

"mama and papa love?"

"i don't-"

"yes yuyu we love each other very much." johnny interrupted tens sentence. ten didn't know what to say after that, he never thought he would hear those words. he was going to say 'i don't think we are ready for that yet'.

"don't get all sappy on me. you still have work today so go get dressed."

"whatever you say love." ten received a wet kiss on his cheek making his mouth drop. yuri noticed how his cheeks puffed up and cupped his face.

"mama cut." she giggled as she played with his cheeks. this was a good morning for him indeed.

at the jaeyoung household...

"look honey they're so cute." jaehyun pointed to the two arguing at the front door. taeyong turned around with the paper plates in hand to see what his husband was talking about.

"awww they look like us." taeyong smiled before laughing.

johnny refused to go to work since he didn't want to leave ten so he dropped him off. the thai male didn't want or need to be dropped off with his yuyu. now they were at the front door and johnny won't let go of the younger.

"you need to leave."

"i don't want to go."

"stop being such a stubborn brat, that's my job."

"but i'll miss you too much if i leave."

"how do you know you haven't even left yet?!" ten exclaimed as he was slightly annoyed. he waited how many months and now the older wants to follow him everywhere like a love sick pup. yuri ran away from the struggling couple and into the kitchen with the jaeyong couple.

"there goes my beautiful niece! hi yuri." taeyong did not hesitate to scoop her up in his arms and place kisses all over her face. jaehyun stole her from his husbands arms before the child was full of love from only taeyong.

"tyong is fun." she smiled in jaehyuns arms causes him to break out in a smile as well. she was in awe at his dimples and poked one with a curious expression. she had dimples herself but she never knew why they went away when she tried to poke them.

"she called you tyong babes. what do you call me?"

"uncle jaejae."

"lele my parents are now jaetyong." they heard the familiar boy spoke when he entered the room. him and chenle were holding hands with guilty looks on their faces. taeyong eyed the two with a displeasing expression.

"why the face? what did you two do?"

"nothing!" they both blurted at the same time which made yuri face palm. jisung wished they payed attention to yuri rather than questioning him.

"it was just a kiss...which turned into more kissing...which turned into making out that's it i swear!" chenle shut his lips with wide eyes as he seen jaehyuns eyes go wide. all he felt was a tap on his shoulder from his boyfriend as well as a little 'i told you they would freak'.

"eh it could be worse, don't fret. i'm not upset but are the two knuckle heads still fighting out front?" taeyong spoke up surprising everyone in the room. jisung nodded as he remembered him and chenle trying to sneak passed the two. ten saw them and called out for help. they just looked at them and ran to the kitchen. jaehyun gave yuri to the chenji couple and shook his head in disappointment, it was way too early for this.

meanwhile back at the front door...

"you're going to be late! it's a thirty minute drive to your job from here."

"please don't make me go love."

"no go to work and i'll see you later. you may even get a treat for going." ten smirked as he felt the arms around him loosen. he was turned around, got a kiss to the head and lips before hearing a 'see you after work take care of yourself and our petal', then the door closed in his face.

"well that was actually pretty easy." he shrugged before running to the kitchen to see his family.

"so guess who has a boyfriend now?" he did jazz hands making the whole room erupt in squeals. taeyong was jumping up and down with chenle. jisung and jaehyun were just looking at them with confused faces while yeri clapped and cheered.

"mama and papa date."

"yes we do."

"i'm so happy for you! my ship has finally sailed." taeyong wiped his forehead with a sigh. he's been waiting forever for this to happen.

"i wish the best for you two hyung." jisung gave him a big hug making ten coo.

"me too ji."

authors not3-

sorry for the trash chapter guys

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