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That was unexpected. I shouldn't have turned my head. That was beyond strange, as well as weird, oh my goodness. I hope Zak didn't find it weird. But we brushed it off.

I showed the house to Zak, leaving his room for last. I didn't do much in it, because I wanted Zak to decorate it the way he wants. The walls are made of a dark oak kinda plank, the floor is covered with a dark blue carpet, and Zak's bed was a sort of double bed with white pillows and light blue sheets. I bought Zak a big desk so he can have his PC on, and a nightstand.

"Darryl, this is amazing!" Zak said. "I can't thank you enough" he said while hugging me.

"It's no big deal Zak" I told him. "It's the least I could do. I hope you feel comfortable. Need anything else?"

"Actually, I'm starving" Zak said while rubbing his stomach from under his shirt. "Completely unrelated, you're very tall" he said while chuckling.

"I-, thanks? I guess" I said, giving him a smile. And you're very well built, I said to myself.

"I like it when you smile. It makes me happy" Zak said, before slapping his hand to cover his mouth.

"What?" I chuckled.

"Uhh, nothing.." he said worryingly. "Can we go eat something?"

"Sure, what'd ya like?" I asked him.

"What's on the menu?" he said while closing his eyes and giving me a smile.

"Pancakes?" I asked the younger.

"Yes, I love pancakes"

"Nice let's make some"

We got to the kitchen and I pulled the pan out of the cupboard. He looked kinda lost, but I didn't give too much attention.

"Right, so bring me the syrup from the top cupboard to the left. It's a plastic container with a yellow lid" I asked Zak.

"I-, can't-, reach-" Zak said struggling, when the container fell on his face and down to the floor. The syrup splashed everywhere.

"Zak!" I shouted. "Are you okay?"

"No" he told me, trying to hold his tears in.

"Where did it hit you?" I asked like the good parent that I am.

"In the-, eye" Zak burst out crying. It felt awful. I looked at his face and all I saw was tears and a big red mark.

"It's okay, you're not hurt" I told him. I touched the mark to see if he's in pain.

"It hurts!" Zak whined. "Don't touch it, please!"

"I won't, I won't" I assured him. "We have to wash your face, okay?

"Okay" he said, sniffing.

I turned the stove off and I got Zak to the bathroom. I turned the faucet on and started pouring water and whipping Zaks face.

"Ow! Be gentle" he said to me, holding back his tears.

"Stop crying! Otherwise we'll be here forever" I smiled at him. His tears suddenly stopped, and I got a towel and whipped Zak's face gently.

"Thank you" he muttered.

"No big deal muffin" I winked at him.

"What was the wink for?" Zak said, giggling.

"To make you laugh of course!"

Time skip brought to you by toast.

We walked to the kitchen and I asked Zak to sit at the table. Five minutes later I returned with two toasts and handed one to Zak.

my one - a skephalo fanficWhere stories live. Discover now