Chapter 7. The sneaky Rescue

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Sanji: ,,....YOU CAN'T TAKE HER FROM ME!!!!!!''

Reader P.O.V

I was sitting in my cell, wondering if my crew would come and rescue me

I'd have them rather leave without me... i didn't want them to get caught like me.

//How could i let myself be caught?! Well...i didn't need to run from the Marines before so....yeah....//

As i was trailing off with my thoughts a guard came up to my cell and started going off about random stuff

I didn't answer once, i just looked at him uninterested and scoffed

Soon i'd had enough of his blabbering and told him to shut it and do his duty instead of whining me full with his problems and why pirates are so bad

After i had told him to leave me alone he was the one to scoff and turn his back against me


I sneakly stodd up and pickpocket this guy for my cell and handcuff keys

Stupidly he didn't even notice a thing and soon got called from a higher officer

I saw this as my chance to get out of here, and i did.

I was on my way out but the front door was blocked so i had to find another exit.

Sanji P.O.V

Sanji: ,,We need to get her right now!''

Everyone was worried and didn't know what to say

Lysop: ,,Look...Sanji...we need to figure something out but we can't just barge in there,it's too risky.''

Sanji: ,,But we can't just leave her there! If they find out she's with us they will maybe try to sell her!''

Luffy: ,,Okay! Let's go inside!''

Nami: ,,But let's be sneaky about it alright?''

The whole crew including me nodded in agreement

Soon we were standing inside the Marine Headquarters and were looking for (y/n).

//I hope she's okay//, i thought while holding her Necklace close to me.

We decided to split up, Nami and I were heading to a wine cellar when i suddenly saw one of the barrels move

Nami got out her staff and i got ready to kick, i moved the barrel and saw behind it........

a rat...

Both, Nami and I sigh at the sight of the rat

Nami: ,,If she broke out she is probably looking for an exit, maybe she is looking for a back door?''

I went into my normal phase when woman faze me and began swarming Nami with plenty of compliments until she brought me back to reality with a punch.

We went on and looked for an exit, there were not many exits only windows.

My imagination started to run wild with the sight of seeing (y/n) jump out of a window and hurting herself or worse....dying!

//Pull yourself together Sanji! She isn't that dumb to jump out of a high window!//

We kept seraching and took out some guards as well when suddenly Nami got a call on her snail telephone

It was from Brook!

Brook on the tele snail: ,,Hello Nami-san. Franky and I have found the dear (y/n)-san! She was really happy to see us! So happy infact i wanted to jump out of my own skin!!! Oh wait...i don't have any skin! YOHOHOHOHO!!!!''

I grabbed Nami's tele Snail and started talking

Reader P.O.V

I was hiding from the marines when i heard something metallic coming down the hall, i dared to take a peek and thank god it was Franky and Brook!

I got out of my little Hiding Spot and ran up to them

(y/n): ,,Franky! Brook!''

They both were relieved to see me and so was I.

They asked if i was hurt and what had happened, I just told them i was fine and that i could tell everyone what happened when we are on the ship

When i finished that scentence Brook got out his Snail Telephone and called Nami

She picked up and Brook brought her the news, but not without cracking a ,,being dead'' joke.

Right after Brook's joke a well known voice came through the telephone

Sanji through the tele snail: ,,Is she hurt?! Is she okay?! Where is she?! Chocolate Chip are you there?!''

I turned red and smiled a little, then answered my one and only smoking hot

(y/n): ,,Yes i-i'm fine s-smoking....h-hot.....''

I could see Brook and Franky smirking at me, if that is even possible...

We could hear Nami getting the Tele snail back and soon after followed her voice

Nami through the tele snail: ,,Okay guys! You bring yourself back to the ship and we will contact the other ones alright?!''

We all agree and find an exit and run back to the ship were we wait for the others so we can sail away.

After some time we see them all running at us and telling us to lift the anker

Behind them were hundreds of marines, shooting at them from a far

Franky lifted the anker and the boat started to drift away

(y/n): ,,Hurry guys!!!!''

As we all knew they wouldn't make it in time Luffy streched out, holding everyone and streching his arms to the ship mast and holding on

//What is he doing?//

Franky and brook were holding onto the railing and everyone seemed scared for some reason

Suddenly i could hear Ruffy scream something

Luffy: ,,GOMU GOMU NO-



Sorry that i didn't post for a long time, wich the stuff that's been going on it's very hard to keep up with school and stuff

But i still wish you all the best and stay safe! <3

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