Chapter 17

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The next thing I can see is the wooden floor next tome. I groan and get aware of the pain wave rushing through my body.It gets so intense an as I try to lift may self again I slip and crush on the floor again, twisting my hand in the process. I can't help but cry.

I can't hold it any longer. I only feel a warm gushof pee running over my legs, as I cry even more.

Suddenly a warm hand rubs my back.

"Shh babygirl, I'm here now everything is fine",Daddy tries to comfort me.

He rubs away my tears and gently strokes my cheek.Daddy picks me up and carries me into our bathroom. He stets me onthe toilet and calms me down from my shock.

"I'm so s..sorry, Daddy. I know I'm not supposedto move on my own, b...but I had t..t", I sob.

"I know. It's alright. Now lets get you cleanedup."

With that he starts to run me a bath. My pants andpanties are soaked and it starts to get cold. I feel disgustedsitting in my own pee. Daddy must've noticed, cause he sweeps me uponce again and gently strips me out of my cloth.

I'm still embarrassedand I must smell really bad. I bury my head in hisshoulder as he holds me tight and rubs my back. Daddy cheeks thetemperature and sets me slowly in the tub. The warm water surroundsme and makes me fell really good.

"Better babygirl?", he asks as he starts towash my body.

"Yes daddy, It feels really nice."

"Good. Now spread those legs of yours and letDaddy wash your princess parts."

I obey and open my legs. At first I felt really shy,but Daddy is so gently and caring. He washes me and dries me. He putsme in one of his shirts and tucks me in our bed.

"You know, that you still need to heal, right?",he says sternly, while stroking my cheek softly.

"Yes Daddy", I respond.

"Next time call for help. You're to littleto care for your self, that's what Daddy's responsibility. Butremember I love you no matter what. You don't have to be embarrassed, that you'd pee yourself."

"I wuve you too, Daddy", I whisper him in ababyish voice.

"Rest now babygirl. Tomorrow we'll talk with thedoc and look if we can go outside and shift perhaps. Hm, how doesthat sound?"

"Sounds good Daddy."

Daddy lays down beside me and wraps an arm around me.He kisses my temple and we cuddle til I fall asleep.


This morning daddy dressed me in a cute onsie. It'sreally comfortable. He also carries me everywhere. I feel even morelittle than before. We're currently waiting for the doctor to arrive.

"You know not to be upset if the results aren'tas good as I presumed, okay babygirl." He rubs my cheek andholds me tight on his lap.

"Yes Daddy, I know, but I wanna play with you"

Daddy's about to answer as th doctor walks in.

"Good Morning Alpha and Luna. Let's see how wellyou already healed. I also heard, that you had an accident yesterday,but I presume nothing bad happened."

"Yes Jordan. If something happened I would'vecome straight to you."

"I know Alpha Ace. So Luna I need to lookat your legs. I won't hurt you, but please tell me immediately if something hurts."

"O...okay", I whisper

Doctor Jordan starts to check my legs. He moves my ankles and knees, but nothing hurts.

"Alright, I guess nothing hurts." I nod andsmile.

"Luna I need you to try and stand on your own.Just try your mate will hold you. Nothing will happen."

I'm afraid to fall again, but daddy immediately calms me down, by rubbing my back. He gives me a kiss on the head ashe lifts me of of his lap. I place both my feet on the ground andstand up, with help of course.

"Ouch....", I skweek. I still hurts prettybad. Daddy and doctor Jordan help m to sit down with Daddy again.

"So the main Problem is, that she can't put any pressure on both her legs. Her ribs are more than fine though. Isuggest you carry her around for a little more. But other than thatyou can go outside and have a nice walk in the sunshine. BUT nowalking Luna, you need to heal! Nevertheless you two lovebirds can have a little playtime, no mating, that would still be to much to take for her. Be gentle Alpha, you know what I mean."

I don't know what he means, but at least we can gooutside. We go in the garden and then I ask him about this "playtime"thing.

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