(Season 1) Episode 2 - Solemnly Swear

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—School & Scenes—

Now, some people are perceived as the nice, honest kind of people. But you should never believe them. They're not honest, let me tell you that. They're not nice, believe me. They aren't who they say they are, and you can count on that.

"Siti!" A voice appears. Far out, is she seriously back. She's come to apologise and feel sorry. No not today.
I turn to get a slight glimpse of an expected Paige, but..


"Miranda?" I loudly questioned.

"Did you miss me?" Miranda quickly replies. I'm in complete shock. Complete and utter shock. My jaw is literally on the ground, my heart is racing and I'm stubbing my toe as I sprint my way right into her arms. Yet, this isn't the Miranda I saw before, she is more beautiful than ever, glistening eyes, glowing lips, contoured nose. Everything is back to how it used to be.

"Siti!" She screams impatiently, "Siti!" Suddenly I see Miranda looking down at me hugging her legs.

"Oh, uh sorry." I quickly rephrased, "I just missed you."

"I know you did!" Miranda completes as our massive hug gets even bigger, gripping tightly onto each other as if we haven't seen each other in years. Well I mean, it's been a year, but not years.

Sooner or later, Pearson turns up.

"Hey Siti, can we talk?" He asks politely as Miranda steps away for one second with a huge crowd surrounding her.


"So, Pearson, hey!" I unclearly speak. I stand tall and keep my sights on Miranda as she looks quite hot herself, basically mirroring Pearson.

"Siti, this'll get personal." Pearson acclaims. I start to get excited as I'm assuming he's asking me out, I'm stunned that it's happened this quickly.

"So, what is Utah like?" He questions, "I want to ask her out, I just don't know how."

I was so shocked, did he even see that fight? He was literally sitting next to me. Why wouldn't he like me?

"Oh um, she was pretty bad to me in class." I explain, "Are you sure you want Utah?"

"She's pretty." Pearson replies. I was nearly sick. The two words that came out of his mouth were sickening. She's pretty. What is he thinking? He's clueless, literally.

"I have got to go." I quickly disappear.

"Wait I gotta-." He stutters as I'm gone in an instant. He doesn't realise that he is going to be played, but no. He doesn't care about that. He cares about how pretty he is and I'm so sick of it.

"Hey where are you going?" Miranda whines.


"What'd you do, Mr Pearson L Martinez." Miranda announces questioningly.

"I- I-." He hesitates.

"Lost for words aye?" She imitates, "Freak." She runs off in the same direction tracking every footstep down the hall.


As the two playboys walk in Zac and Kingston, Pearson takes a seat by a bench to bend over his knees and curl up into a ball.

"Boy, you good?" Zac interrupts.

"I'm fine!" Pearson interferes.

"You certainly don't look fine!" Kingston adds.

"I'm." He stops.

"You know what, I think we've heard enough." Zac agreeably speaks, "Enough with the act, come with us."

Pearson reacts quickly, jumps up and follows Zac and Kingston down the hall and out the door.

"Where are you taking me?" Pearson interjects.

"You'll see." Kingston ensures.

Zac and Kingston's face were readable. You could see from a mile away that they were up to something. What were they up to? Pearson could only find out, until he got there.

They end up standing in front of a bench, occupied by a group of girls including Utah.


"Hey cutie, who brought you here." Utah says as she stares at the boy next door.

"Us, his friends." Zac interrupts.

"Sorry you little troll, I wasn't talking to you, was I?" She intervenes, "As I was going to say, Paige told me that you had something to tell me?"

"Uh no I didn't." Paige disagrees.

"Yes you did boo, and it's okay!" She strikes. Paige's face turns red as she thinks about Siti.

"I wanted to actually ask Thursday something?" Pearson awkwardly approaches.

"Excuse me!" Utah exclaims in disgust. As Thursday turns around to face Pearson, he is slowly regretting his decision.

"Thursday, would you go out with me?" Pearson asks.

"Wait, really?" She questions, "Of course!"

With Pearson and Thursday now a couple, I'm pretty sure Pearson was thinking about Siti, the whole time.


As I'm panting in the change rooms I hear the door come to a thud, with a swiftly breeze that flips my hair.

"Baby girl, what's the matter?" Miranda comforts.

"I had so much hope for this guy." I explain, "I thought wrong."

"Baby no need to be upset." She understands, "You've known him for what, 3 days?"

"Yeah, but he'd come over to my house, everything was different when he was here." I open up.

"I get it." Miranda adds. Honestly I couldn't believe my former best friend (cause she left me) Miranda Anastasia as the star that she is, is comforting me about my issues. I was so pleasantly surprised.

She then pushes my hair behind my ear, brushing it against my skin. Although, she was just my friend, I went in to kiss her, yet she decides to block it and hug me instead. What just happened? I thought there was some chemistry there. Maybe next time, but as the star that she is, will there be a next time?

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