from unknown : ur scared of woman?

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^the title is the reply that Hime wrote

so, i'll tell you guys a bit more about their location. THIS WILL NOT TAKE PLACE IN KOREA, OR IN OTHER COUNTRIES THAT EXISTS. well, yes you can call it an imaginary country. sorry if it's a bit weird, but i can't base it on korea or other countries, idk anything bout them so nope. my country? people are only familiar with bali or jakarta, so it'll be unfamiliar for a lot of people hihi

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kth's pov

holy. oh my god. i was just cleaning my locker and it happened. someone replied my post. Excited? hell yea, i thought it was going to take forever, but here it is, only a few hours after i posted. I started typing back, contemplating whether i should write a two word reply or a whole paragraph.


isn't it too much with paragraph?

but two word is so... impolite


 paragraph it is.

Not scared of woman actually, more like scared of the REALLY PRETTY ones, cause they look intimidating af. Idk, but i've been feeling like this for a while and i don't know what to do with it.

I really want to fix this. I want to date just like everyone else, look at girls just like all the other guys. This is suffocating tbh.

Maybe, after i enter this new school, i'll find a way to solve this. Maybe get a female friend, the regular pretty ones, AND avoid those pretty high class girls.


 "Oh wow, someone actually replied..."

I was amazed because someone LITERALLY started replying my post. I smiled before packing the last things off of my locker. I guess this is really the last time i'll be staying in an all boys school. Yea, i was that scared of girls. Especially after the whole liking accident, ugh.

Yes, i used to go to normal school, you know, with actual girls. But then, because of my good looks and charming personalities, a girl fell for me. Wait, it's actually more than one, and not just girls. Boys should be happy about it right? yea i should too. Problem is, they're all SO PRETTY. not just that actually, i've liked a girl. just one time, but i couldn't approach her, so i had to give up and beg my parents to move me into an all boys school. I still have admirers, but it's much saver now.

 My dad had to force me to go to a regular school. He said i need to man up and approach girls because he doesn't want me to be alone forever. Yea, as if, i know he just wants grandchildren. Typical parents.

that's too much talking about my life, let's get back to this person who's replying my post. Dang it, whoever they are, they're using anonymous too. I decided to change my username, maybe that way, the other person would change their username too.

yea as if

it's not like we're soulmates who can read each other's thought right?

yep no way sis

change username?

yes         no

type your username

kim taehyung


yes       no

There. let's just hope whoever that person is will get the hint and change their username too. can't hope much though. i wonder if it's a girl or a boy...

welp doesn't matter, as long as i'm making new friends i'll be fiiiiine

but what if it's a she?


god do help me please

So here i am, saying bye to my buddies, because God knows when i'll meet them again. But hey, i get to move school, and my dad said that the school is pretty big and famous. It's in one of the biggest city in this new utopian country, so i can't help but get my hopes up y know.

I turned off my phone and followed my dad back to the car, ready to come back home.

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hime's pov

"hime, these are all the files that you have to print for tomorrow!"

"yea, just put it on the desk. i'll take it home."

again, it's really hard to keep up with the whole school activities. just because i'm being very helpful, it doesn't mean they're allowed to just use me 24/7 when there are other people to ask for help to. but i don't really mind anyway, this makes me busier and not bored. yep, this is basically my daily routine.

wake up - school - journalistic - music club - home

boring? i get that a lot. but i'm used to it, it's absolutely comforting, it's like my safe zone y know. especially after i reach my room, god i don't want to leave. it's just so warm and welcoming, especially with the whole music booming through my bluetooth speaker.

that reminds me. has the 'scared of girls' dude replied yet?

i turned on my laptop, instantly clicking the truthsies blog icon, and there it is. i got a reply, but it's not an anonymous anymore. i think he changed the name already.

kim taehyung

nice name though

but hol up, why is he suddenly changing his username? maybe to get more friends? or just open up? or is he another one of those internet fuckboys? ew gosh not again. or....

does he want me to change my username too? 

that makes sense, actually. i mean, he's scared of pretty girls, so he probably wanna avoid talking to ACTUAL pretty girls. lucky for him, the one who replied is just another fresh picked potato yey

so should i change my username too? 

you know what, i should. it's not fair for him, if he's the only one anonymous.

change username?

yes         no

type your username



yes        no

to whoever you actually are kim taehyung, i hope you don't regret having me as the one who replied your post.

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helow, another chapter because i'm not in the mood to learn :(

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