• prologue •

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~ 🍙🍱 ~

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~ 🍙🍱 ~

"Osamu, can't you move a little bit faster? You're moving like an old lady and that's going to cause us a lot of trouble if you keep on going with that pace— Geh! What is that on your hand...?" Miya Atsumu, one of the most popular volleyball players at Inarizaki High School and the twin brothers to none other than Miya Osamu. The disgusts expression on his face quickly fades away after he take one look on what his twin brother was holding at his hand.

A bento box...

With a small sticky note plastered on top of the box...

"How would I know, genius? This must be coming from one of your fans that mistaken my locker to be yours again..." Osamu annoyingly passed the bento box to Atsumu. Well, more like throwing it towards Atsumu which causes Atsumu to almost get hit by the bento box on his head.

"What the f*ck, 'Samu...?! If this hit my head and ruin my beautiful hair that I worked so hard styling it every morning, I swear, I won't be giving you any tosses throughout this evening practice...!" Atsumu huffed, annoyingly before taking a quick scan on the sticky note plastered on the bento box.

"I wish you a very nice morning, Miya Osamu! I hope you enjoyed the onigiris I've made for you... Have a nice day! Doki doki~" Miya Atsumu read it out loud only to be welcomed with a loud silence between the two of them.

After the silence passed between the two of them, Atsumu decided to clear out his throat and before he could say anything, Osamu snickered. "I bet all of your fangirls would be dying enough to hear you say 'Doki doki~' again..." He then busted out laughing.

"Shut the f*ck up, 'Samu! Well, at least I won't get poisoned with the onigiris inside the bento box...! Have fun getting poison! I'll be going now since, you've been taking your sweet time getting your stuff...!" Atsumu huffed before throwing the bento box back at Osamu, hoping it would hit his head just like he did before but only for Osamu to easily catch the bento box, a triumph smile could be seen across his lips.

Osamu then took a glance on the bento box on his hand before re-reading the sticker note again, trying to figure out whether he could find the person who send the bento box towards him with just the handwriting but, to no avail, he couldn't make out anyone with a neat handwriting. He let out a heavy sigh before deciding to open the bento box and his sight was greeted with three onigiris and egg rolls, a small tomato, small sausages, three meatballs and two broccolis as the side dish.

He was indeed taken aback with how good the food smells like, and he can't help himself to take a bite on one of the onigiris that was tinted with a small dot of pink on top of the onigiri.

'Oh, it's a tuna filling onigiri... She's indeed a very a good cook since the texture of the tuna isn't the same as the regular canned tuna you could get from any store down the street...' he thoughts to himself before, taking another bite from the onigiri.

A sudden thought suddenly came to his mind after recalling his twin brother's words earlier.

"Have fun getting poison!" Osamu stopped his chewing after recalling Atsumu's words earlier that morning, but he just shrugged it off since, the onigiri tasted so good and, if the onigiri was poisoned, he should be getting a stomach-ache by now which, he didn't have at that moment.

The moment he was about to take the third bite from the onigiri, the school bell's rung, signalling that class had started by then.

'F*ck, I'm going to be late...!' He then stuffed the onigiri inside his mouth, closing the bento box, before stuffing it inside his locker once again, locking the door of his locker, then dashed out towards his class as fast as he could.

Unbeknownst to him, the small sticky note on the bento box was flown away because of his harsh movement, causing the sticky note not being able to stick properly and flown away with the breeze. Who knows, where the sticky note could be by now...

~ 🍙🍱 ~

i am officially back on Wattpad!

miss me? ^^

[最初] • the bento box • | m.osamuWhere stories live. Discover now