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Kakyoin's POV

It was the middle of the night when I woke up. It was very dark and there was a weight on my arm. I looked over to see Jotaro's hand interlocked in mine. It was sweet that he cared, and I liked that about him.
I studied the situation I was in more, blush starting to creep onto my cheeks. I noticed how his lips parted slightly and heard tiny snores escape him. His olive skin and his ink-black hair were highlighted by the natural moonlight seeping into the room. I gulped.
I'm straight... right?
A boatload of questions infiltrated my mind. So many questions popped into my head from just one man. Before I was found by DIO and saved by the other stand users, no girls made me feel like this.
Is this feeling normal?
I looked over Jotaro's sleeping form once more. I saw how his body rose and fell from the long breaths he was taking. One of his muscular arms laying by his side, the other next to mine. To me, looking at Jotaro was basically like looking at a beautiful art piece. A chill went up my spine.
I'm disgusting! Why do I have feelings for him?! He's just a new friend! Yeah... new friend.
My breathing gradually became quicker. I was tensing up, starting to panic. I was so confused about my feelings. I felt like I didn't know who I was anymore. I looked to the opposite direction of Jotaro and studied the equipment I was hooked up to. The heart monitor's beeps were faster than normal, gaining speed slowly.
Then, I started to feel hot. Sweat soon started to bead at my forehead, and my saliva was becoming thick in my mouth.
Why is he making me feel like this?!

Time Skip
Kakyoin's POV

I awoke with a start. I looked at my surroundings to see that I was in a different location. It looked like a normal house. Then, I started to panic.
Am I a ghost again?!
I touched my chest with my hand, but my hand didn't phase through my chest. I started to calm down. I adjusted my body to get more comfortable in the new place I was in. I looked around more. I was on a fairly large futon, and the room had a dresser with a mirror above it. Behind me was a window, with the blinds about one fourth of the way open, allowing the early morning light to take over the room.
I was now fully calm. The place I'm in is not threatening in any way. It made me feel at home, even if I wasn't in my house. Then, the door to the room creeped open. Instinctively, I summoned Hierophant Green to defend myself. Though, the man at the door was... Jotaro.
"Finally, you're awake," Jotaro says, walking in and sitting next to me. "You've been sleeping for a week."
"A week?!" I was shocked. Though, that feeling didn't last long before I was overwhelmed with heat. In the few minutes of silence me and Jotaro shared, I started sweating and panting. Jotaro took notice of this.
"Are you okay?" Jotaro moved his hand to my forehead, and I felt my body temperature rise. I bit my lip and flinched when Jotaro's soft fingers touched my forehead.
"I just wanna... go back to sleep." I muttered, laying down and snuggling under my covers. I saw Jotaro nod out of the coffee of my eye and not long after that, heard the door close. Soon, I drifted off to sleep.

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