I cant believe what just happened. Aura was just about to tell me somethin' when my EX came out of nowwhere and said we were dating, the fuck. I have to apologize to Aura and tell tiffany we were over so she can stop acting like we are dating and going to everyone and telling them she is my girlfriend. Imma text Aura. And ok i might have a crush on her but now i dont think she likes me.
ME: Aura, can i tell something
AURA💓:what do u want
ME: i just wanna say im srry bout what happened yesterday
ME: i mean it i promise
AURA💓:what do u want
ME: i just wanna say that maybe i have a little crush on u and if u still mad about me from yesterday, then thats ok
AURA💓:😯😘 i feel the sme
ME: really
AURA💓:really :)