Chapter 2

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Two months later me and Logan had broken up because he was being really really rude to one of my best friends Liv and I had a choice between my best friend and Logan. I got my answer and I'm glad I picked Liv because we've been best friends for a long time and that can't just end cause of a boy haha no. And she is like the other half of me and I was a not losing her and would you like to know where we stand now? WERE THE BESTEST FRIENDS! I made the greatest choice.
I was really happy I made the choice I did. I was all happy but that didn't last for awhile.. I was in a waterfall of tears. I missed him and us but luckily I had my best friends, my family and pets by my side to make me the happiest girl and bring me out of that poopy mood I was in. And if I could tell you anything, read quotes cause honestly that's what got me through part of all that. I read a quote and it once said " if you love something let it go, if it comes back then it's yours but if it doesn't, then it never was" and that quote really speaks to me.
So you know how I told you about when I saw Logan's friend ( Bron ) peaking out when Logan said his class was being held up? Well Bron texted me saying "our class was never held up he just didn't want to come to your locker" I was alittle upset after that but that cleared up quickly. Me and Bron became good friends but we kinda rushed things and I wasn't the happiest but we dated for alittle after a month but then I broke up with him because I needed to focus on schoolwork and I didn't want to date anyone at the moment. I felt I was too young and I wanted to stay young. My feelings sometimes are just like ugh pick an emotion because I like him one day then I don't.
Bron asks me a lot if I like him and if we could date but I didn't want to but sometimes I did but in all I didn't and honestly at this moment were on a thread of our friendship but I'll tell you more about that alittle later.

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