The Threat - Chapter Two.

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  Gael looks up in a daze, the cooling air making goosebumps rise upon her arms. For a minute or so, she forgets where she is, before she realizes and stumbles up. The stars were poking through long veils of clouds, wanting to be seen by all eyes. She tries to breathe softly, but her breaths come out ragged and heavy. She knew what happened after dark; the grinning, laughing, and the soft would come out to feast on those who stayed out in the open. Something brushes against her leg and she freezes and tries to stand as stock still as possible. If she moved, they would all be on her, wildly cackling and biting with razor sharp teeth. The children of the darkness; the hell born(Bree not included.), and the deadly. Gael shrieks so loud when she feels tiny arms fastening around her leg that in an instant, she was running down the hill towards the house, one thought on her mind: 'Am I going to die?' Wild laughter was echoing and advancing. Gael knew these..creatures were fast, strong, and silent hunters of the night. Even in the day, they waited, drooling and watching them, wanting to feast on fresh flesh.

Gael lunges at the front door and yanks it open and throws herself inside, the laughter getting closer. She slams the door behind her and locks it, heading thundering thuds of tiny bodies falling against the door. "Holy.." she pants, shaking slightly from the run and fear. "I..I could've been eaten alive." But no, she survived. Bree suddenly looks at the front door and gets up. Gael smiles, knowing what was to come. She would hug her tightly, sobbing and-

"How dare you?!" Bree screams so loud that their dog whines and scampers upstairs with his tail tucked between his legs. Gael squeaks in alarm when Bree grabs her shoulders and repeatedly slams her back against the door. "Were you out of your frickin mind?!" she screams, eyes narrowed so much they look like an angry wolf's. Gael was speechless. She had never been greeted like this. Bree lets go of her and storms away upstairs, sounding just like a child of darkness. She was about to explode, and Gael didn't want to be near when she did. Gael slowly wanders into the living room and sits on the couch, staring hard at the fire. It wasn't her fault she had zoned out in the woods. Bree should've known that..but did she know? Probably not. Then again, Gael never told her anything or forgot what she was going to tell her. A sudden, loud, demonic scream issued from upstairs and Gael knew it was Bree finally cracking down and exploding. She closes her eyes and rests against the couch, listening to the wild roar from upstairs.

  A few hours later, she had come downstairs, her voice hoarse and scratchy. "Well now. That was interesting," she says quietly and sits beside Gael. Immediately, Gael scoots away, wondering if she was going to explode again. Bree suddenly glares at her and asks seriously, "Do you know I was about to push you back outside and lock you out for being so stupid and staying out?"
"I didn't stay out!" Gael snaps at her. "I zoned out outside and-" she stops at her icy stare.

"Oh? And you totally didn't notice a few hours going by? It getting colder and darker?" Bree asks in a quiet voice.

"I totally didn't." she replies, the same tone in her voice. Bree chuckles darkly. "I didn't even notice the time going by and you know that! I already lose track of time!" Gael could hear her voice rising in anger. "Why don't you understand anything but yourself?" she asks.

"You should know that by now. I lost concern for the world a long time ago," Bree replies in a croaky voice and gets up, looking at Gael with fear and irritation. "Next time you do that, I will lock you outside, get food, and watch you try and escape all twelve thousand of those devils." she nods upon that final decision. Gael starts at her with exasperation, then just gives up and goes to bed, locking her door and keeping her precious knife close. Salt didn't work on them, it only made them stronger and faster than before. The only thing that affected them was physical injuries. Everything that could cut them open was a weapon and could help kill them all. Though there were too many. Too many to get rid of and live peacefully.

  The ones that smiled lived in caves. They were the biggest of all the children, almost the size of a full human. There weren't many of those, though. The bigger the more scarce. The ones that were the most common and he biggest threat were the ones who laughed. They stayed within the forest; usually tall towering tree forests like spruce or dark oak forests. Tiny trees just didn't suit their needs..whatever those were. The ones that they feared the most were the silent ones, the watchers. They didn't make any sounds or alerted anyone to their presence. They were silent. Silent as the grave. They were the fastest and the stealthiest out of them all, and they were, like the ones who smiled, in shortage. They were smaller than the ones who smiled, but bigger than the ones who laughed their asses off. They were roughly the size of a cat, while the ones who laughed were the size of small rabbits. Their sizes made up for speed and strength, though. They were the children of the night, and they could, together, destroy the light in the world and take over.

  The next day, they stayed inside, only going out to feed the chickens and their five horses. The horses look up from dozing and nicker softly, knowing it was that time of day. Bree immediately walks over to her horse, a tall Shire stallion she had nicknamed Teddy. Teddy was tall and stocky, with a sleek, jet black body and a giant black down his cute face. His eyes were a deep chocolate brown, and that described his personality. Gael's sweet little pony was named Kody, a sorrel stallion with a teeny tiny thin blaze down his face and one white sock on his right back foot. Unfortunately, he's blind in one eye, making it a soft milky blue. His other eyes was a deep brown, normal even. Kody was the sweetest horse put on the earth- and he stole Gael's heart.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2014 ⏰

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