Flip Zimmerman: A Lesson To Learn

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*contains smut, use of guns as a sexual kink, physical fighting, mentions of sexist behaviour in the work place and life


After arriving late to your first lesson as the only woman on the future police force, you have to prove yourself more than ever. As you fiercely battle your way through sexist remarks and disapproving looks, you learn more about your teacher, Flip Zimmerman. What blossom from this sexual tension between the two of you? Read to find out.

10,000 + words


Running speedily down the main hallway of the Colorado Springs Police Academy, you tripped over your feet, regaining balance each time, your bag slipping off your shoulder. You hoisted it up and continued running. There was no way you were going to be late on your first day of training. As a woman, training to join the police force, you had to prove yourself even more. Being late wasn't exactly going to bode well for you.

The ticking of the clock grew louder, reminding of the time. You looked up and gazed at the clock. 10:01 am. Class started at 10. You glanced down at the watch on your wrist, double-checking the time, not wanting to take any risks. Clocks could always be wrong, and that one was. But it was behind by 4 minutes! You read the numbers on your watch. 10:05 am. Momentarily, you thought about turning around and heading home, calling in sick, but then you thought about how they'd just laugh. Sick? Of course, she's sick. Probably just too scared of the commitment. Can you blame her? She's a woman.

The concept of those thoughts running through the officer's minds frustrated you beyond belief. You were gonna show them - show them what you're made of. You continued making furious large strides down the long, endless hallway, tugging your bag back up your shoulder, that kept slipping down. You didn't care if you were late; didn't care if they complained. And, if they had something to say about it? Y'know what? Fuck them! You had been top of your class, top of a class full of men. You had beaten them all. This wasn't any different. Yeah, this was now the elite of the elite but did it really make that much of a difference. You were still gonna beat them all easily.

Eventually, you found yourself at the door to one of the academy's classroom. You looked up to check the number above the door. Room 18. This was where you were meant to be. You then looked down to check your watch again. 10:06. God, how could you have been so late? You'd been waiting for this day since you found out a month ago. Found out, that you had graduated top of your class and were moving up. Moving up. You considered that for a moment. You deserved this. They're the ones that wanted you here. They need you. Your confidence levels spiked due to your little motivational speech, as you moved your hand to the doorknob, twisting it aggressively and swinging the door open.

You suddenly found yourself feeling very small again. You felt small anyway, being a woman joining the police force in 1972, but he made you feel small physically, his size dominating and intimidating. As you raised your head up, you found,  standing in front of you, was a tall man. He was mountainous, his skin pale, his eyes dark. Handsome. He had raven locks, some of which randomly swept across his forehead. He was wearing a pair of black jeans and a red and black plaid shirt untucked from his waist. A small part of his shirt was tucked into his belt, just enough, so that his badge attached to his leather belt was visible. Phillip Zimmerman. The name rang violently through your head. You'd heard the story of him. Everyone had. How he infiltrated the KKK. You had no idea he'd be the one teaching your class. You counted yourself lucky, but then remembered the terrible impression you had just made.

You gazed up at him for far too long and an awkward silence filled the room. You just stood there, mouth agape, attempting to find words but coming up lost. The silence lasted a while but was soon broken by the deep words arising from the tall man's mouth.

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