Chapter Seven - Tomorrow...6PM... The Cabin

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It had taken another hour to dodge the rangers.

Simian wangled his way out through a weak link by a bushy fence tearing his shirt in the process.

It, however, turned out the be the westward part of the forest which according to his startled motorbike rider, was one hour away from his Grandmother's village.

Simian promised to pay the rider once home but the man took one look at Simian's appearance and insisted he wanted to accomplish a good deed. It was then Simian realized he looked homeless.

Gran was in the kitchen, head in hands when he arrived. Simian rushed to the bathroom.

"Come out!" she yelled, banging on the door.

Simian tensed as the warm water hit his back, sloughing away dirt and blood. He only had 30 minutes to get to town.


Soap stung Simian's wounds. It must have been the adrenaline that spared him the pain. The wounds looked way worse than he imagined. The gashes were not deep but they were raw, exposing pink flesh.

The banging stopped.

Simian grabbed Gran's powder pink towel and wrapped himself. Catching a glimpse of his body in the mirror, he gasped at the red scratches, purple bruises dotting his body, and dark eye bags. He'd looked better. He exited the bath and found Gran in his room.

She sat on his bed with a first aid kit.

"Where are you going?"

"Town, I'll-"

"Explain later?"

She stood and stuck a plaster on his arm.

"Gran, I'm fine," Simian persisted, watching as the clock tick to 11:40. He had twenty minutes.

"I called your mother," Gran confessed. A hush fell in the room, "She's coming down tomorrow."

Simian took a step away from Gran.

"Get out," he uttered, his voice dropping octaves. He remembered his mother. Her episodes...

Gran stood before him, hurt poisoning on her face. She opened her mouth yet words did not escape her.

She shuffled out of his room without another word.

Simian opened his small closet. He paused, his eyes landing on folded and ironed shirts. Gran.

He pushed down the weight sitting on his heart.

He was to be in the same space as his mother again.

Simian jumped on his bike and peddled hard towards Jacob's restaurant. He was not going to let that happen.

Simian slipped his hand over Violet's as she took the pamphlet. She held onto the piece of paper he'd fit in between her fingers giving away the slightest of glances up at him. She returned to her place amongst the girls keeping up her put-on scowl.

Four came around in, paint drying minutes. The girls clambered into their van.

Simian hoped Violet would turn back. She didn't.

"Simian, what's this?" Jacob ventured.

"I don't like this bro," Harry followed.

Simian stared at the page Violet had written on.


Hidden further into the pamphlet were a time and place.

Tomorrow ... cabin... 6 pm... have transport

"Okay bets off," Wekesa declared standing up.

Jacob sagged in his seat.

"Let's calm down first-" Justin started.

"I told you guys! I told you those girls are weird!" Wekesa interjected.

Harry wavered, "Maybe we call the police..."

"No!"Jacob retorted. The room turned to him. He cleared his throat, "I mean... if she asked us for help I don't think she wanted the police to know."

"Jacob, your dad's an actual policeman? Ask him to help, we're teenagers! We can't just roll up to a whole cult and take of them!" Wekesa challenged.

A wave of heat drowned Jacob. Of course everyone in this town knew everything. He'd never talked of his father, assuming the boys didn't know as they were out-of-towners. This was Kakamega, someone was bound to know.

"You're dad's a cop?" Harry asked.

"I-" Jacob stuttered, tugging on his sleeves. Fresh bruises...

"You don't have to come," Simian said, breaking his silence. He folded the pamphlet and tucked it in his jeans, making to leave.

Justin stood in his way, "Wait, calm down. Let's understand what's happening."

"I'm not getting involved," Wekesa declared.

Simian chortled.

Wekesa took a step towards him, "Something you'd like to say?"

A wicked glint settled in Simian's eyes, "Ask me again, maybe I'll show you."

"Guys, stop," Justin ordered.

"You're not a hero," Wekesa smirked, unclenching his fists, "No matter how hard you try sad boy," he grabbed his bag and marched out.

Simian's smile faltered.

"Sorry guys..." Harry whispered following Wekesa.

Simian, Jacob, and Justin remained in the store, a silence holding its grip on them.

" I can't be out that late," Jacob admitted.

"It's okay," Justin said.

"If she can ride, you can take my bike," Jacob offered, chewing at his lips.

Simian gave him a nod before leaving the shop.

The golden hour descended, bathing the street in a warm amber light. The shops began to close as people started their journey home.

"The cabin, I'm guessing you know where it is?" Justin asked, standing beside Simian.

"You don't have to come."

Justin slipped on his bike. He lived closer to town, "And miss executing this exceptionally bad idea?" He waved as he cycled away.

Simian managed a smile in return. He'd slipped Violet his number. She would call. He'd get her out of Trinity.

"She's coming down tomorrow." His mother was on her way to Kakamega.

Simian hopped onto his bike.

Maybe wherever Violet would go, he would go too.

*Violet is getting out and the boys have also fallen out

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*Violet is getting out and the boys have also fallen out. In the next chapter, Violet lifts the veil, into the Trinity church. Is the escape going to be as easy as Simian thinks? Stay tuned to find out!*

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2020 ⏰

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