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Age: 14-15

"My lord Stan, slow down." I chuckled softly. I had agreed to go bird watching with Stanley today. I knew how much it meant to him and honestly I found birds quite interesting myself. Besides, after the whole pettywise bitch thing, he hasn't had much time to relax.

"I'm sorry! I'm just excited. It's not everyday I get to spend alone time with my beautiful girlfriend." Stanley said, still leading us down a slim path in the woods.

I rolled my eyes. "Mhm. Not like you see me almost everyday or anything. Totally." Ever since we all almost died in those sewers, Stan has gotten 10x more protective and clingy. I'm not complaining though, its nice.

"Hush it, little lady." Stan replied with a playful grin. He's taller than me so I guess the nickname makes sense. "This spot looks good." He said, laying down his backpack, but keeping my hand in his.

"You're not gonna turn this into some lesson, are you?" I groaned. Stan had a habit of doing that with things. As cute as it was to watch him go all "teacher mode" he could get carried away quite easily. "Nope. Was thinking a picnic but with our main focus topic being birds." Stan replied, taking a blanket out of his backpack and laying it on the ground.

"Sounds good to me." I said, grabbing our bird watching gear onto the blanket. I laid the binoculars neatly on top of Stan's bird book. I used to do things neatly because of Stan's ocd, now it's a habit. Sometimes I even find myself being annoyed when things aren't 'perfect.'

Stan notices me readjusting the book a few times and smiles to himself. "Shall we?" he asks, holding two small sandwiches in his hand. "We shall." I reply taking one of the sandwiches and sitting down next to him. "Are we looking for any specifics?" I ask before taking a bite of my sandwich.

Stan swallowed a bite of his sandwich then grabbed his book, setting the sandwich down on a plate that was in between the two of us. "Not exactly. There's a few we can expect to see though." Stanley says. I nod, and he raises his eyebrow.

"You remember what those are?" He asks, a smirk on his face. He must think I zone out when he talks about birds. That's actually incorrect. I absolutely love listening to him rant about things he loves. Something about the way his eyes light up. I return the smirk.

"Why? You think I don't pay attention Staniel?" I say, a cocky smile on my face. He only mimics my expression and shakes his head 'no.' I raise my eyebrows, and say "Alright then, quiz me. Any random question, see if I know the answer."

Even without his ranting, last night I read a book on birds of my own. I didn't want to seem stupid. Stan's face lights up with that adorable smile he does when he's excited. "Okay, what bird is known for mimicking human sounds?" He asks. It takes less than a second for me to answer. "The raven. Don't go easy on me Mr. Uris." A bored expression takes form on my face.

Stan chuckles and then shuffles so we are both sitting criss cross in front of each other. "As you wish angel. Cardinals, what's their weird habit and where can you find them?" He questions. Once again, my brain works fast and i'm answering in barely a minute. "Cardinals like to cover themselves in ants to fend off lice. They're a pretty common bird, won't doubt us seeing one today."

Stan's eyes are wide and a huge smile takes his lips. He nods, confirming my answer. I laugh and take another bite of my sandwich. When I look up I see his eyes still glued to my face. Pure admiration on his face. "You okay, honey?" I ask, a bit confused.

Stan shakes his head and leans in, connection our lips in a short, sweet kiss. "I think I just fell in love again." He whispers, our foreheads touching. "I'm always re-falling in love with you." I declare, a calm smile on my face. He laughs and lightly pushes me back. "Cliche."

I roll my eyes and look towards where I've been hearing a soft chirping noise. Quickly I grab his binoculars and focus them on the yellow and black bird sitting in their nest. I look back to see Stan finishing up his sandwich and tap his shoulder. "Pass me the notebook." I whisper. He nods and hands it over along with a pen.

I open to a new page and fill out the date. I jot down the type of bird I saw and hand it back to him. Stan takes a peak, his smile never leaving his face. This might be the most I've seen him smile. "A golden finch." He reads and looks back up at me. I nod and turn his head to the bird's direction, handing him the binoculars.

Stan looks through the binoculars before pulling me closer by the waist, and planting a kiss on my cheek. "My girl's becoming a bird nerd." Stan laughs. I shake my head with a smile. Suddenly he asks "Do you have a favorite bird yet?"

I take a moment to think before answering. Looking over at the tree where we had spotted the birds nest I find my answer.

"The finch."

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