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I got to the villa, angrily ripping my heels off my feet before dropping them on the couch and walking to the kitchen where i put my leftovers in the micro oven

"babe" Tayler said from behind me. I ignored him, warming my food up
"i don't even get why you're mad at me" he sighed

I turned to face him

"so you tryna tell me you trying to shush me while i was reprimanding Chase for something isn't good cause to be pissed?" i asked
"i wasn't shushing you, i was simply telling you that the problem is between them" he explained
"He cheated on my friend with my other friend, then proceeds to hit on another girl in front of both of them, is that not disrespectful?" i asked
"well i don't-
"mmmh, how about i go fuck Bryce then flirt with Griffin" i said with a mock smile

Tayler's face had dropped. I grabbed my warmed up food and passed him, making my way over to grab my heels.

"Next time pick your battles properly Holder"

i tried to create some drama but after this i'm out of shit.

⭐️drop ideas


 ࿐ྂExpected ࿐ྂ Tayler Holder Where stories live. Discover now