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        You are Roxy. You have just witnessed everyone you loved get killed right in front of your eyes. Roxy have flashback.

        You watch as Jake jumps in front of the katana being hurled at you best friend Jane. The blade goes through his chest in a swift motion and then his efforts are wasted when Arenea uses her mid control powers to move his body to stab Jane. Your eyes brim with tears, all your life you have been alone, and the only people who made it worth living are dead.

        You are now back to the present, tears stream down your face as you hang over your mother's corpse. "Mom? MOM!" You cry. Your hands are splattered with her blood. You have lost  everyone you could ever care about. You feel as though you could never love again.

2 years later ...

        Soon after John realised he could go back and fix everything, he left. He promised he would come back for you, but  he hasn't. Probably dead. It wasn't so bad after John left, you were able to find Dirk, but he soon left to go take revenge on the condense. You wanted to go with him but he said that this was somthing he had to do on his own. He hasn't returned.

        You stumbled over to the cabinet and open it to grab another bottle of vodka. It's your second today. You know your friends wouldn't approve but... There is a knock at the door. Up speak of the devil. "Go away," you moan as you collapse on the couch and pull the corck out of the bottle. But your meddlesome friend Jane comes in anyways.

        "Roxy this isn't good for you, getting drunk like this! It's 11 o'clock in the morning! It has to stop!" Don't worry your just crazy this isn't real Jane, real Jane is DEAD.

         "Roxy?" She pauses," you don't have to answer this if you don't want to but.... Why do you drink so muck now? I thought you had broken the habit.

        "what did I say! I said go the fuck away," you yell as you throw the bottle of vodka at fake Jane. As you do this fake Jane disappears and the bottle hits the wall and shatters.

        "What? Wait! No!"

        " Janey please come back! Don't go!" You cry. You crawl over to where fake Jane stood a minute ago. The glass shards peirce the palms of your hands but you don't care.

        "I never got to answer your question!"

        "I drink alot more now because it's the only way to bring back the people I love. To see them," you cry. When you loook up from the shards of glass, tears still streaming down your face and your hands gushing blood, you see them. All of you dead friends staring down at you. Smiling.

        "I wish you were here," you whisper.

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