Dealing With the Aftermath

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"Sorry I didn't tell you the truth."

"I'm sorry for trying to strangle you. So I guess we're even."

Hinata flinched when the cool compress hit her skin, but slowly sighed with relief when it started to soothe her aches. "Apology accepted, I guess..."

The awkward silence that fell felt suffocating as the two of you said nothing else, save for a few whines Hinata made when pressing the ice closer to her skin. On the bright side of things, your apartment didn't suffer too much damage during your fight. Although, you might have scared off your cat from all of the screaming and probably won't be around until supper time. Way to go you.


What even is there to talk about now?

"How long?" You began.

"How long what?" Hinata asked.

"How long have you known? About me dating these sextuplets? Was it really that obvious?"

Removing her compress, your friend heavily sighed. "The truth is, I didn't. When you told me you were sort of seeing Osomatsu-San I assumed you were only just seeing him, and him alone. I didn't automatically think one equals all. But when you told me more about this guy and how he acted and actually seeing the youngest one...That was when I started to realize it. And I feared that by telling you would resort to you overreacting about the whole thing. And look where we are now! Guess I was right on the money!"

You recoiled at the sudden outburst, but you didn't blame her. "Sorry again, Hinata."

Hinata brushed it off. "Forget it, Y/N. What's happened, happened. And I'm done being angry. Now with that out of the way, what are you gonna do now?"

"Probably clean up my apartment and send you home-"

"That's not what I meant," Hinata cut you off. "I mean what are you going to do about your situation? You know you can't hide from them forever. And there's only so much I can do after giving one of them a black eye. Because I have a feeling they will come looking for you, one way or another."

You wanted to whine, really you do. But you knew your friend wouldn't accept any of it if you gave up now. "Okay, so what if I don't decide to change my looks and name, and start a new life elsewhere; where am I going to find them? I don't think they live close to where I live!"

However, Hinata gave you a smile. "Don't sell yourself short. I know that one of them will bump into you sometime soon. Just do your routine like normal, and then you'll see."

"And how can you be so sure?" You found yourself asking.

"Woman's intuition." Came your friend's reply.


Work was absolute hell. With half of the workers away for personal reasons, you and the select few were stuck spending the whole day doing paperwork after paperwork to make sure you can keep up with ends meet. And it did not help that New Years is a few days away. It really, really, sucked.

At the very least, the worst was finally over. And you were overly exhausted.

Canned coffee, the greatest gift that was blessed by god himself, sounded like the perfect cure-all for your drained body and it was right by the train station. Thank. Freakin.' God.

"Hello delicious one," You softly murmured to the vending machine. "Did you miss me? Because I sure do."

You took no time in getting out your pocket change to feed into the machine to retrieve your wonderful can of caffeine, that is until you heard the soft sound of strumming and a random, baritone melody to go along with it. The voice sounded familiar...Too familiar...

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