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Shancai POV

"Daoming Si, stop it!"

I shout playfully with a giggle as my husband chases me around the table with a can of silly string. I was annoyed but I couldn't help but laugh, he made it so hard to be mad at him with that goofy grin of his.

"Never! I will get you Dong Shancai."

He says with a determined tone of voice, sliding on the floor as he took a sharp turn around the square table, dragging a chair with him that made a terrible screeching sound on the tiled floor.

"Keep dreami-"

Midway through my sentence I lost balance and fell onto the floor, it hurt but for some reason I just laughed. I just laid there, sprawled out on the floor in a fit of laughter until si came over and straddled me, holding the can of silly string like a weapon. He aimed it at my face and I closed my eyes in defeat as I prepared for the cold blast of silly string that soon came.

Si then slammed both hands on either side of my head onto the floor, pinning me. My hands now wrapped around his neck, laughter filling the air. Our laughter slowly died down and he leaned in to kiss me, I pulled him down faster so that our lips would meet quicker.

These were the moments I lived for, gentle kisses after rough housing and lots of laughter. Buuuut this moment didn't last long-

"Am I interrupting something?"

We immediately identify the familiar voice and our eyes shoot open as we pull away from the kiss and look to our right. Standing by the entrance to the kitchen is Mrs. Feng, who we haven't seen in almost 6 months. Panic shoots through our bodies as a natural response to her presence, though she adored me didn't mean all the trauma from the past went away. We both soon shake it off in hopes she didn't notice and stand up quickly.


I cut si off, slapping my hand over his mouth. I knew what he was going to say. It earned me a glare for sure but I just laughed at him.

"No not at all, si was just chasing me with silly string and I fell is all. It was just a kiss no worries."

I explain with a smile, she smiles in return and shakes her head as I take my hand off si's mouth, now holding them both behind my back.

"You really are something Shancai. I've never witnessed someone other than zhuang be that...bold with him."

Si scoffed and followed it with a smile. I laughed at her statement and elbowed Si playfully

"It's the way I've always been with him. You know one of the first things I did to him was kick him in the face. I guess that made him stay cause he hasn't left me alone ever since."

That earns me a scoff from si accompanied by a glare

"Tch, like you ever wanted me to leave you alone."

He always throws attitude and gets pouty when I say stuff like that. I simply roll my eyes and hug his arm which seems to soften him right back up

"You're so dramatic. You know I never did. Anyways, mom, you're back pretty soon...any reason?"

She nodded her head and gestured for us to follow her. We shared a concerned look and then followed her into the living room and sat down across from her.

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