Its been a few days since Jenny Joyce announced instead of having a formal they will be having a 1950’s prom. With a few drama’s on the way everyone sort of had a date, Clare’s taking Mae, Michelle has the option of two lads, Orla has some mystery man and James has decided to blow the whole thing off to attend some creep convention (Doctor Who Night). But Erin didn’t mind who was or who wasn’t going, who was taking who because her date is the biggest ride in Derry… John Paul O’Reilly.
After hours of getting ready and squeezing into a tiny blue dress Erin was ready to go, she handed her parent a strict list of want not to ask John Paul when he arrives which Mary immediately crumpled up.
Grandad Joe came into the living room all suited up when the family realised Orla had asked him to be her date. Everyone got really emotional and it was a lovely moment for the family. Orla and Joe headed on while Erin clumsily made her way to the kitchen table.
Time moved slowly while Erin waited for John Paul to arrive, she could see the sympathetic look on her parents and aunt’s face. It made her feel like shit.
After two hours of waiting Erin decided enough was enough. As she wiped a tear away from her face she got up Mary tried to persuade to wait a wee while longer but Erin wanted to get out of the uncomfortable piece of material.
As Erin put her first foot on the step like magic the doorbell rang. She took a deep breath, wiped the tears form her face and tried to gather herself together, she stumbled to the door and slowly opened the door.
Stood there was not the biggest ride in Derry but James Maguire.
A smile creeped on this face and said ‘Your Mum rang me’
With a confused on her face Erin replied ‘What about your creep convention’
‘One, its not a creep convention and its not important’ he smiled back.
As he gestured for them to leave, Erin insisted for a minute a ran upstairs. She returned in her yellow Easter dress which matched Orla’s.
They linked arms and headed out the door.
As the left Mary spied out the window with a huge smile on her face. She’s hoping this will happen. She likes James, he compliments her hats, he’s polite and most of all he respects her daughter.
James and Erin walked the streets in Derry arm in arm as they arrived at the school, they turned to each other and smile. James and still see the pain in Erin’s eyes, he takes her hand and leads her to the hall.
When they enter the hall, the gang look distressed as they found out that Mae is a freak and is trying to ‘Carrie’ Jenny Joyce.
As Jenny gets announced as prom queen the gang herd onto the stage trying to get her off the stage before the ‘Carrie’ happens. It was too late everyone was covered in tomato juice.
Everyone was evacuated off the stage and was taken around the back. Joe and Orla went home early was Joe was tired and Orla saw chocolate cake in the fridge before she left and wanted a slice. Michelle and Clare were arguing about the tomato stained dresses and both headed home furious.
Which left James and Erin alone. As Erin squeezed the remaining juice from her hair, she looked at James.
He looked cute in the red liquid she thought to herself and then quickly shaked the thought out of her head.
James looked up and they both laughed.
Erin step towards James and she noticed that he was struggling to remove a big of tomato from his hair. She put her hands in his wet curls and pulled it out.
They both awkwardly laughed. They could hear the music coming from the hall. It was a slow song. James asked her to dance and said, ‘every girl should have a slow dance at her prom, even if it is with a geek covered in tomato juice.’
Erin laughed softly put her small hands around James neck. James firmly placed his hand on her waist and they slowly stayed side to side.
Erin looked up at James and thanked him for taking her to prom, even if it wasn’t the night she was expecting, and she was dancing with a geek covered in tomato juice instead to the biggest ride in Derry.
James laughed back and it went silent again, but a comfortable silence and neither for them felt they had to speak.
All of a sudden Erin didn’t care she wasn’t with the biggest ride in Derry or David Donnelly or even Robbie Williams she glad she was dancing with the geek covered in tomato juice. As he was kind, he was funny and even though he had had that stupid accent Erin found it cute.
That’s when she realised she liked him.
But last of she had remembered that he was friend, nothing more, nothing less her friend.
As she looked up at him again, she resisted the urge to kiss him, as he was her friend.
And she knew he didn’t feel the same way.