Soccer practice

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I woke up to my nightmare my alarm clock I throw my pillow over my head but my alarm did not stop do you ever just think if you ignore your alarm it will turn off? I role over to my alarm and turn it off I started getting up slowly I mean like a sloth slow I make my way over to my closet and grab a pair of black leggings and an over sized hoodie cause I really did not care how I looked today I walk into my bathroom and brush my hair and teeth I throw my hair into a high ponytail cause I had soccer practice after school I grab my bag and walk out of my room.I start running down the stairs and see my puppy Archie "hey buddy" I say to him as I grab an apple "hey mom did you clean my practice jersey!?" she comes running into the room throwing me my jersey sometimes I wish she was not always working but it's fine I guess.I pet Archie one more time before leaving for school.

(when she gets to school)

I got to school not feeling it today I was tired and did not want to deal with any drama.I walk over to my friend group let me interduse you to them so first up you got Harley she is 100% the mom of the group then you got Abby she is the biggest Crackhead I know and lastly you got Rachel she is the kindest person on this planet she loves the earth and other stuff like that,Then theirs me my friends all tell me im the short one but will kick your ass any day so I guess thats our group."Hey guys" they all smile at me until I open my bag "oh my god what is that smell!" Abby practically screams "chill guys I got soccer after school and if it smells that bad then I will put it in my locker" they all point to my locker "locker now!!!" Harley says fake gagging I just laugh and walk over to my locker.I start putting in my locker combination till someone comes over to me oh great the fuck boy of the school Luca he has fucked almost every single girl in this school except me and my friends."Sup hottie" he says giving me the look I fake gag open my locker put my soccer stuff in the locker and start walking away he grabs my wrist "come on I know you want me" I gagged mentally and said "hmm how many years have you said that now?" he just stands there still holding my wrist I get free of his grip and walk back over to my friends. We were talking till the bell went I just sighed and said bye to them you see my parents had to go full in and put me in fucking Spanish like when am I ever going to speak Spanish to someone here!? I walk into class and just sit at the back of the classroom ignoring everyone around me.

(Skip to end of day cause im lazy)

Finally the bell went it was finally time for the best part of my day soccer practice I play U15AAA you could say im good im the lead goal scorer for my club and we have not lost a single game this season! I walk into the girl locker room and start to see my gear on I tied my cleats,Filled up my water and put my head band on now I was off to the field.Of cores today was sprinting day come on how could this day get any worse."All right girls on the line!" my coach says while pointing to the line I sighed and walked over to it he counts down from 3 and we all start sprinting I finished second and that was good for me at lest we have this girl on our team who's crazy fast but can not score to save her life.Practice was finally over I was out of breath but today was not one of our bad conditioning days it was like okay but still a little hard.I get into my car and drive home.

"Mom i'm home!" I scream it echoed throw the house no answer I walk into the kitchen and see a note "If your reading this your probably like were am I well there was a work emergency so I will be back later love mom" I read out loud great just great I thought to myself.I run upstairs and grab a towel and some comfy clothes and get into the shower.After my shower I dry my hair and go back down stairs I walk over to Archie to see he's sitting at door waiting for me to take him to go pee I walk over to him and out his leach on him I grab my phone and keys and walk out the door.The sun was now just setting so I kinda had to fast but it almost felt like someone was following me I start walking a little faster back to my house till everything goes black...

Hey guys!!!!! hope you like it so far and I will try and update soon byeeee!!!!!!

Kidnapped by Payton Moormeier (FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now